Monday, 28 August 2017

(UK Review 9) Enhancing your Mind, Body, Spirit Magazine Issue 29, 30, 31 & 32 Subscription

See YouTube Video Description 

* The full playlist + bonus content -

Personal Blog & Witchy Books - Aug '17

Hey lovelies,  

 I'm still around.. Had some things going on this past few weeks which I decided to mostly take myself away from the Internet.. I have been discharged from 2 of the medical clinics/therapy/treatments. I have now lost over a stone and a half in the last year. And I'm doing as good as I can be medically.  Personally I'm still working through relationship issues and such (but that's not for here). 

 I've gotten a few new books, some I've read and some I haven't.. Yet. 

- I got a book called "Goth Magick" by Brenda's Knight originally published in 2006. The book is basically like a jumping off point for Wicca and Wiccans.. It's still very Pagan / Wiccan based, not satanic.. But the more I read the more I was like "omg omg this is me!" - it also had some great reference sections such as for jewellery (I make jewellery) and also a few very well explained sections on 'Goth', 'Wicca', 'Paganism' and even 'Witchcraft' - which I wish I had been able to use to justify myself over the years!! The book also has a lil witch history, as well as the name Goth and its origins... And more. I picked it up for £3.06 inc P&P on ebay uk.  Definitely something I want to look into more. 

- Something else I've been looking into is body language and reading people - this is something I want to learn more and so I've started by reading a good book called "The Body Language Of Liars" by Lillian Glass, PhD. Published 2013. I feel it has some fantastic key points although it demonstrates them a little excessively with real life history such as Clinton, Tiger Woods, O.J.Simpson, Lindsey Lohan and the list goes on. Some great points if not a lil tedious and reparative by the end but as said some absolutely fantastic key points and I learnt a lot. (Open for more book suggestions on this subject!) £9.99 inc P&P on ebay uk.

- Finally I started collecting the Elements Encyclopedia. I have the big hardback witchcraft, psychics, dreams, spells and creatures. I have the smaller paperbacks of secret societies and signs and symbols. - really want to get the ghost one next in the big hardback at the right price. 

 Other than that been focusing on personal stuff and me stuff. Hoping to get back to "normal" this week.. 

 Anyways hope everyone is well, blessed be.. Imogen x

Thursday, 10 August 2017

MM / WW. DIY Wand, Prayer Beads & Witches Ladder.

While I am a firm believer in not NEEDING tools in order to be able to achieve your desires...  They sure are pretty and they can definitely aid you in your workings to say the least!!  That said tools can come to us in different ways for example we could go out and buy the most expensive item someone else made/found which they claim is X and we buy it and we consecrate it, bless it, pour our intent into it, name it and all round make it our own.  Perfect?  Alternatively we repurpose from our kitchens, are gifted, we buy the things that look like and will make do, make our own, find things in nature (my favourite) and/or we repurpose other things (something else I love) with a craft element and more.  All for the purpose of filling a position on our altar, in our arsenal, that blank space that someone else has one so we of course we abide by the same notion that we want/need one as well.  But as said, we don’t really need these tools..  We are the main tool.

That said I'd like to talk about 3 things I made..


The wand is seen as many things it is seen as a smaller more portable besom (broom), it is seen as male representative such as God, sun, yang.  Its place is in the south or god side (right) and lends itself to the powers of magick, will and transformation.  They also make for excellent divination tools as well as casting tools for example it can be used to cast a circle in place of an athame (a-thaw-may).  It can be made of natural material such as wood, crystal, stone but most traditionally and commonly its wood since wood comes from trees which each have their own properties which infuse additional properties to the particular wand made.

So that’s some basics about the wand.  But do we really need it?  No!!  And in fact for my first 10 years of study/practice I used my right hand (dominant hand) index finger – which if I’m being super honest I still do most often than not or I use my whole hand, as that’s what feels right to me.  But do I have a wand now?  Yes!  Did I buy it?  No!  Did I find and alter it?  Yes, actually!!

How?  I was drawn to the concept of wands a few years back, I had been looking at various wooden wands – as a lover of willow trees and cherry trees and even oak and birch trees and perhaps even apple and.. oh the choices..  None of them really coincided with what I wanted and I toiled over this not even knowing if I would use this overly priced stick or indeed where I would get one in nature (as a disabled person, who doesn’t get out much!)  So I started looking into crystal wands...  The only wands that seemed right was pure clear quartz and between the price and that they seemed overly common and if there’s one thing I can say for myself is I like things that are different, quirky, dark / gothic and unique.  Hmm.  I had considered making a wand out of clay – a natural earth based product that would combine both my Zodiac Fire sign with my Chinese Earth elemental Earth and let’s be honest Air and Water get a look in too so this could be a successful DIY alternative!! 

As I was still in battle with myself over this decision...  I was invited out to meet a lovely lady off of the internet who is also spiritual, lives reasonably close and we took and unexpected beach trip just before Imbolc a few years back.  While on said beach trip I came across the most amazing piece of driftwood.  It caught my eye while we were looking for seaglass as it looked like a long twisted bony witches finger sticking up out the sand and would you believe it’s pointing straight at me!!  If you believe in signs, I do, then this is it... RIGHT?  So I pulled the stick out the sand which instantly felt so right.  All these ideas came flooding to mind on how I could decorate it!  Fast forward to a few days later I was back troubled in two minds; while it seemed a perfect shaped piece of driftwood that had been stripped and polished by the purifying salty sea, smashed against the pebbled earthy beach, baked in the hot fiery sun and aided by air to dry out beautifully I still didn’t know what tree it came from?  What if it wasn’t compatible?  What if it had ugly properties I didn’t like?  What if…   I decided to go ahead and work on it anyway for what harm could it do?  At worst I threw it away or I sold it on to someone who would love it and at best I’d adopt it for my own (which I obviously did). 

As it was already perfectly stripped and dried; I gave it a bit of a soap and water wash, again let it dry out before rubbing melted bees wax into it – why?  I have no idea; it just felt like the right thing to do at the time!  I got some pink leather thong cord (from my craft supply stash) and hot glued it around the non-finger end.  I then melted candle wax over the top of this to seal it – again no idea why.  Approximately half way down was a little knot hole so I grabbed a piece of quartz crystal bead from my jewellery making supplies, I outlined the hole with a silver sharpie and I hot glued the crystal in place.  I loved it.  Just above the handle is the perfect notch for my finger to rest making the wand a perfect extension of my index finger or my thumb if I desired.  I felt like I wanted to weigh the handle down a little so got an eye screw from my junk drawer and twisted it into the end, I then again raided my craft supplies and my witchy supplies and attached 3 real magpie feathers (which were very significant in my life at that time), some symbolic charms, a chakra keyring I had made myself just days before and a few other oddity beads and such.  And thus it came to be, I have a wand!!

Granted to this day I still don’t know what tree it came from, but in my head all that is purified by the salty sea waters.  Making the properties of this driftwood...  of which any Sea Witch worth her salt can tell you that Driftwood properties are those infused with purifying abilities from salt of the sea making it a pure tool; fantastic for burning in fire magic, spells, protective jewellery, that it carries all the elements perfect for purity works such as protection, purification, blessing, casting circles and all those good energy workings.  And this, this sits right with me and my practices.  Driftwood!

My Pagan Prayer Beads.

Far more commonly associated with religions such as Christianity and the Catholic Church or Buddhist Shaolin Monks Prayer Beads have different but similar symbolic meaning throughout various faiths.  Some use them to count a mantra, others use them as a symbol of the holy trinity and god, and others use them to represent their sins, journeys or many other reasons.  Even inside each religion there are different types of Prayer Beads which not only have different uses but are also made of different materials, different numbers of beads, different sized beads, charms or not and the list goes on.  I shall not get into Prayer Beads here today as that is a whole library section of information.  But I thought I’d add the concept of why I made mine!!

So first off I liked the Christian image of the Rosary Prayer Beads draped over their hands, always been quite a strong spiritual (non religious binding) symbol.  Even before my spiritual and Paganism faiths I always liked the concept of prayer which for me is putting out good intentions be there someone or some being there to receive my words or not.

Second I like the counting mantra concept since when I try to meditate my mind often wandered away far from that task at hand, daydreaming.  So it helped me stay grounded and focused regardless of if I counted the beads or just passed them through my fingers – believe it or not there’s also a right and wrong way to do this as well but I just do what feels right to me.  (There’s a pattern forming here!)

Third and final, I liked the concept of what I could create using elements and corresponding stones which each of them carry their own properties and then using charms as symbolism to create my own personal Pagan / Wiccan Prayer Beads...  I am not saying this is what Pagan / Wiccan Prayer Beads are; just what mine are/mean to me.

I started with the concept, and some research.  Most beads are strung in sets of 9 and have points which have larger beads, charms or some kind of marker to give a signal that the next set of beads are coming up.  These also tend to form number patterns.  I decided since at that time I was researching and doing a lot of elemental working that this would be a good use of that knowledge and another way to incorporate this into my practice.  I decided to go for a Rosary inspired look, incorporating the 5 pentagram points the four elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the fifth point being Spirit or also known as the fifth element Akasha. From this a tail of grounding and all of this accompanied my symbolic charms.

   My design:
·       Air - Pegasus Charm - Air Stones: Amethyst
·       Earth – Fairy Charm - Earth Stones: Malachite
·       Fire – Dragon Charm - Fire Stones: Volcanic Black Salt
·       Water – Mermaid Charm - Water Stones: Sodalite
·       Spirit - clear quartz
·       Spirit & Grounding - chain pentacle, tree, sun/moon - Black Tourmaline in 3x 3s

Amethyst - Healing on all levels - body, mind, and spirit. Raises vibrational frequency and protects against negative energies.

Malachite - Love, Money, Protection, Protection form Negativity, Transformation, Heart Chakra, Prosperity, Abundance, Imagination, Intuition, and Creativity.

Sodalite - Healing, meditation, wisdom, calm, grounding, stress reducer, strong metaphysical properties, creative abilities and it aids teachers, writers and students to understand the deeper philosophical principles. Psychic abilities, developing intuition. aid communication. Helps understanding of astrology and the tarot. Power & Luck.

Lava Stone
Lava Stone - Strength, Courage, Calming, Grounding, Healing, Rebirth, Stabilising, Root Chakra, Energy. Born in fiery brimstone that bubbles to the Earth’s surface (and eventually cools), lava stone comes from the core of the earth. Lava is a rock formed from magma erupted from a volcano. Lava rock is a grounding stone and can help you connect with nature. Since the stone comes from raw energy, Lava Stone is considered to be a stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment.

Quartz Clear
Quartz Crystal (Rock Quartz) - Attracts, amplifies, and sends energy. Easy and safe. Useful for all kinds of healing.

Tourmaline Black
Black Tourmaline - Protection, Powerful protection against negative energy of all kinds, strong spiritual grounding stone. Positive attitudes, good luck and happiness, regardless of the circumstances that you find yourself in. Healer & creates a positive attitude and mind-set. Very grounding.

I could go on and discuss the symbolism of each of the charms, but trying to justify that dragons are not fire and apparently are actually water creatures blows my mind so perhaps we shall leave that for another day.

I like to use them in meditation, they also help me feel grounded and due to the size I made them they also work as an oversized necklace or a multi-wrap braclet if I feel I need to wear and harness those energies while I work etc.

Witches’ Ladder:

While technically it’s not a tool per say it is rather a fantastic item a witch should have in her home.  The concept is putting your intent/goals/wishes/dreams/request into the braid to bring forth a particular thing or keep away or well there really are a number of uses for them!!

They're normally made of 3 pieces of material (wool, leather, string, ribbon, cord...) can all be the same material but usually in different colours. - Traditionally black, white and red but that's optional colours.  Colours can be chosen by meaning, birth colours, colours you’re drawn to, colours that represent your intent, colour correspondences, seasonal or just your fancy!! Traditionally Witches’ Ladders are a total of 13" long once completed but that can also vary.  They can include a mixture of feathers and/or beads and/or charms and/or other trinket type items and/or other items such as animal bone, feathers, pieces of the intended such as their hair. You can use oils on the knots or braids as well.  It really is an open concept to be almost anything you desire and as shown there is really a lot you can do with them…  Made for you or for someone else! 

Made with intent, ritual, spell, prayer... can be made for many uses like protection, to bring a wish, to enchant, to bring luck, to bind love, lots of reasons. It's said once the intent is for-filled you burn/bury your Witches’ Ladder. Or if it's not something specific like just a general protection or to keep from negative energy away etc. you can keep it or hang it above your alter (I made a protection and guidance one which hangs above my altar and incorporates 3 of my favourite colours and 9 charms I associate with paganism, witchcraft, magick, fantasy and well me.

Wikipedia - A witch's ladder (also known as rope and feathers, witches' ladder, Witches’ Ladder, or witch ladder) is a fetish, in folk magic or witchcraft that is made from knotted cord or hair, that normally constitutes a spell. Charms are knotted or braided with specific magical intention into the cords.

Here's some more info on this: 

I used 3 types/colours of fibre yarn: a white fibre yarn, black fibre yarn and pink fibre yarn and braided them together and knotted in 9 "witchy" charms. Charms are moon (Goddess), bat, mermaid, triquetra/holy-trinity, pentacle (Elements), tree of life, fairy, witches hat and sun (God) - these are all charms I had (I make jewellery) but that spoke to me and represents something personal to me in my life, my journey. 

_________________________  ------------- )O( -------------  _________________________

 Here's a more detailed look at those 3 items..

I hope that might give you some DIY ideas.
BB Imogen xo

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Personal: Experience & first thoughts 'Spirit Dice'

Spirit Dice
(possibly also known as ghost dice)
Blog Part 1 of 1 thus far.

So spirit letter / alphabet dice.   I stumbled upon the concept a few weeks back via this video here..

Video by jessica rey

Have your questions wrote down ..and then basically you setup your working space and invoke benevolent spirits to aid you in revealing their knowledge within their limit..  Ask your question(s) roll the letter dice for each over a marked out area like a square / altar cloth / book / drawn circle etc. and cypher out a response based on your question and the displayed dice results.

I looked online and set of spirit dice are insane money, plus shipping to UK.  There seem to be 12, 13, 15, 16, 24 or even 36 dice to a set and some people use multiple sets at once.  For a few £GBP I picked up some smallish wooden blocks on ebay as I thought about making my own but couldn't find a definite way of what letters to put on what wooden cube..  

So I decided if it's good enough for boggle.. And bought a boggle set... 😂 - It arrived and I did some consecration work, blessing, intent and anointing etc etc.  - I'd previously spent a week pawing over writing my own calling invoking and release casting..  

The first time I worked with the dice gave me some food for thought on both the answers and if this really works..  All I can find on this says to interpret what lands inside..  So that's what I did...  Then tonight (3am 8th August 2017) under the full moon I decided to take it a step further.  I have a skull head candle holder (candle goes inside) and I felt like using that as the face of divine / spirit..  Which felt right and so much of a stronger connection looking into Horhay's eyes while asking my questions.  - previously before he was an ornament on my altar representative of the deceased / ancestors and now he has a function.  Plus my dice, cloth and bag fit inside the skull - win.  

Anyways..  Now while I feel I need a lot more work doing before I'm ready to blog about this properly.  I thought I'd put this out there for you lovelies to think I'm bat sh!t cr@zy..!!

So the concept works a lot like boggle (finding words in the up facing letters) but can include abbreviations, acronyms, etc so...  At first I was just reading inside the cloth until I realised that outside tends to hold more specific answers, sometimes.  - You don't have to use all the letters provided but sometimes letters obviously grouped together suggest or spell out an answer.  Interpret but use your intuition and try not to overreach.

I have decided to share my experience thus far!

Day 1 of 2
1.Who is my soul mate (in) THEE MAOC [my bf is Mark]
2. Is Mark the one? (in) Q LOV RE KUJ [love / lover?]
3. Has or is Mark cheating? (out) NO
4. Am I paranoid about Mark? (in) SAME  X
5. What to look for in my relationship? (in) Y YO CSI
6. What to look for in my life? (in) LIMIT  IMG
7. Am I on the right path? (in) SOUND YT GHH

Bonus 8. Before I go do you have any further messages? WHO IS FRRHS

Day 2 of 2
1. What is going on with me? (in & stacked ontop of each other) YT  [ - youtube? I've just started bringing my witchy stuff to my YouTube channel. ]  DKAUYHMET  YT
2. When shuffling my Oracle deck yesterday a card jumped out at me this card was "hand of fate - forces beyond your control intervene" do you know what this means? (in) U U U Y R S S    V
3. What is going on with Mark? (out) TOY [Mark owns his own toy and collectables business and just launch of his new site!!]
 {It was at this point I realised maybe it's not just what is inside..}
4. Do you like this communication? (out) NO HIDY
5. Under the full moon do you have any messages? (out) N
6. What study path should I take? (out) BETTER E
7. How can I improve this communication? (out) ROOR IOU

[Feeling a lil spooked I asked permission and wrote some more questions..]

8. Do I read outside the square? (in) YET GAY Q (out) TO THE HOAXS KASH X
9. Do I read inside the square? (in) YAA O DARE FIX UM (out) NE U
10. Do I read both in and out? (out) OR
11. Do you not like this communication? (out) YA NP
12. Why do you feel that? (in) LOTS NEW
13. Are you always the same spirit that visits? (in) CED SARAH OVER (out) SHT MN
14. Is my grandparents here? (out) PO TE LE (portel?)
15. Is my sister Wendy ok? (out) O SES U

I thank after each answer, again before and during my close and departure.

Anyone wish to take a shot in the dark as to why I'm feeling extremely emotional?  But on another note.  My headache started during my first session and has lasted 4 days and I noticed it's now gone during this session!!

I'd love to say I'm making it all up, and I was somewhat skeptical..  But when answered that relate and are extremely relevant and spelt out in black and white....  Eek.

Anyone wanna talk? Opinion? Thoughts?

BB Imogen xo

(Ps. My relationships and personal issues I don't wish to discuss).

The full moon at 3am over Blackpool England Xx

Monday, 7 August 2017

WW. 🌍 Earth Healing Aug '17

Friday 4th - Sunday 6th August 2017

A lovely sister held a 3 day group event for Earth Healing..  Thought I would share pics here of this as this is my before, during and after take on Friday night (Saturday and Sunday much the same with different offerings: fruit, nuts and green tea).   

Thanks so much M for this opportunity. Blessed Be.

And of course my familiar (Mr Ash) had to join in.

Healing wishes and brightest of blessings, Imogen xo

Sunday, 6 August 2017

PP. Intuition notebooks? Dream & Spirit Guide Journal's

Bit of a strange time.  Ages ago (possibly this time last year) I stumbled upon 2 very very pretty notebooks (on sale at the works here in the UK).  

I was drawn to them but had no clue why - maybe it's cos they're shiny? 

Last week I decided to get (repurpose) some dice into spirit letter dice - blog on that when I've studied more.  Then today I decided I am going to try and keep a dream journal.  I vaguely remembered one of the books was something like "follow your dreams" but I couldn't remember what the other book said.  I dug them out and how perfectly fitting are these two notebooks for the two subjects I just mentioned!!

BB Imogen xo

Friday, 4 August 2017

WW. UK Moon Location Website

Just a quickie tip - Found this website for anyone interested in tracking Luna location based on where they live... (only says London time as I'm from/in England)

Thursday, 3 August 2017

*WW / MM. Vesta Powder - All about it.. + my recipe!

Vesta Powder

Named so and used in honour and in the name of the Roman goddess Vesta.

What is Vesta Powder? 

Also Known as Flash Powder / Chasing Powder.  Vesta Powder is an extremely flammable white powder.  Vesta Powder is very powerful so use it carefully and sparingly as a little goes a long way.  Saltpetre (aka salitre or potassium nitrate) is the active spark in Vesta Powder. Be sure you have plenty of ventilation and use with fire safety caution.  Vesta Powder is to be stored in a cool, dry and safe place away from heat.  Also keep away from children and animals. Note its toxic try not to touch / have skin contact..

How is Vesta Powder made?  

Version 1. Equal parts saltpetre & cornmeal Powder.
Version 2. Equal parts saltpetre & cornstarch Powder.
Version 3. Equal parts saltpetre & Powdered sugar (icing sugar).

{Anyway you start your magickal makings such as casting circle, invoking spiritual / divine aids, blessings, infusing your energy and intent etc.. before, during and after is down to how you work/practice.} 

In a clean glass container add equal parts of one of the above recipes (*eg. 1 teaspoon of both ingredients).  Mix well together using a clean tool such as herb spoon.  Use only a tiny pinch in flame-retardant pot such as cast iron cauldron.  Add more saltpetre if required but never more than half a part (*eg. Half of a teaspoon).

In my experience:

I purchase 100g Saltpetre from ebay uk seller tongmaster-seasonings for £2.99 and also 100g Cornmeal from seller htl1112 for £1.99 -  I have found 1.5 parts saltpetre to 1 part cornmeal works perfectly.  Mixed in a crystal, glass or metal bowl with smooth insides until the two parts form one non lumpy fine powder.  A small practice dedicated spoon or spatula to mix. And a clearly labelled jar to store.

How to use Vesta Powder?  

Burn it!  Always use fire safety and a long stick.  The Vesta Powder will explode with a quick flame and a fog of smoke fumes will quickly dispel any bad vibrations, spirits or evil influences. You can use charcoal tablets and a charcoal burner (cauldron).  Smaller amounts can be used to seal spells at the end of fire magick / cauldron spells.  Vesta Powder can be used to gain spiritual strength; place less than 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon of Vesta Powder in an incense burner or metal ash tray and light with a long match. 

What is Vesta Powder used for? 

·       Fire magick.
·       Used by burning to dispel evil, negativity, bad energies and bad vibrations...  
·       It can be burnt to clear the house of bad spirits / entities.  
·       Can be used to stop sexual frustrations or sexual tension.
·       Used as a sachet it is said to help present the illusion of the wearer`s youthfulness purity and innocence.  (flammable so I wouldn’t)
·       Sprinkle around the room prior to ritual to entice the flame of brightness. (flammable so I wouldn’t)
·       Used like dragons blood resin to empower things and give that additional energy kick.
·       As an incense to gain spiritual strength
·       Invoking / Working with Goddess Vesta
·       Invoking / Working with Goddess Hestia

Vesta Powder is used to honour and/invoke the goddess Vesta.  In magick you can ask her to aid you in your fire workings, though much more powerful if your working is to do with the hearth, home of family.  Vesta powered can be used without call for the goddess as an energy spark to increase the energy put out by your working or to seal your workings.


Vesta: The Roman religion believed Vesta is the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family.  She was rarely depicted in human form, and was often personified by the fire of her temple in the Forum Romanum.  It was said that only her priestesses (the Vestals) were permitted into her temple and it was they who tended to the ‘sacred flame’ at the hearth of her temple.  In Roman times the people worshiped the goddess Vesta; in fact they considered her a guardian.  Each year one of the most important Roman festivals, Vestalia, was held between 7th – 5th June in her honour and the sacred flame of which she manifested herself.  It was rare she was seen in human form but most often in flame – this is also how she would also come to those in need of her aid especially with pregnancy. She was the daughter of Saturn and Ops, and sister of Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, and Ceres. Her closest Greek equivalent is Hestia. 

Hestia: – In Ancient Greek religion Hestia was also known as the virgin goddess of the hearth, home and family as well as architecture.  In Greek mythology she is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea.  It was said that Hestia would receive the first offering at every sacrifice in the household.

BB Imogen 

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Personal - My Travel Altar & What's in it..

Trying to branch out into different social media with my spiritual / magickal side.

Please go to the video link on youtube and thumbs up this video, perhaps check out my other videos..  and/or subscribe.  Comments and discussion welcome xo 

Blog post wish candles -
Blog post seaglass magickal properties -

BB Imogen xo

WW. Skull Candle Magick - How to?

Using skull candles to change, influence, affect and/or open one's mind...

First, and most common, skull candles are used to change/affect/influence someone else's mind.  For example to make someone think about you, to make someone forget you, to aid someone's memory..  And more.

Second, and less common, skull candles can be used to make changes to your mind or thinking,  bring about something you want be it memory, mental behaviour change, make you forget or remember, bring about a mental clarity.  Show a mental/psychic link between you and another.

Using a colour representation of your choice.  Though typically they are
White - all purpose / positive.
Black - negative / dark / grounding.
Red - love / affection.
Green - money / prosperity
And so on. 

I make my own skull candles.  I have a variety of skull styles and sizes.. 
But purchased ones work too.

This is how I do it:

I put in thought about what it is I want to achieve (intention).  I will select relevant herbs, oils, stones and/or other objects to infuse into my wax while melting prior to pouring.  - If you purchase your candle make sure you cleanse and consecrate, think about your intention, select the previous mentioned items to add later. 

Once the candle is made, set and ready.  {Some people like to blindfold the skull candle, so the unknowing intended can not see who is doing this working or what has been done!} 

Carve into the bottom creating a well.  This is where items can be placed..  (also known as loaded / loading candles.)  Such as writing the intention on paper 3 times folding it up and placing it inside - with the name of the person/people it's regarding and/or a photo.. description and/or personal items such as hair, fingernails, or something generally belonging to that person.  (optional add the previously mentioned to a bought candle or more herbs, oils and/or other items to a self made).  Take the removed wax and cover the well in the bottom of the candle.  Seal it all back up.  (optional.  carve the name and/or intention into the side, front or back of the skull. - most people choose back for doing working on others as they can't see the back of their head!)

Meditate, praying, ritual, spell or whatever feels right to you to add your energy, intentions and perhaps additional oils into the candle each night for a week.  Pay attention to moon phase new moon will be great for new things and positive improvements, leading up to the full moon will work best with bringing and building up positive such as making someone come to you, improving memory, aiding with mental health improvements..  The full moon is more or less an all rounder for workings of both kinds.  Leading away from the full moon works best for banishing and getting rid of negative energies, bad relationships, aiding in ending bad thoughts, removing and all those types of workings - at least in my experience and from most things I've read.

Once the 7 nights has passed or the relevant number that feels right to you or the night that corresponds best for you.. Such as there may be a night that is the perfect moon phase, it's in the person's star sign, it has all the relevant astrological aspects and requirements this would be much stronger to do on night 3 than wait until night 7 when the moon is in the wrong phase, it's astrological ratios don't corresponds with you/the intended or otherwise..  So work with what is best to suits. 

Upon the burning night you will want to (if you didn't before you might want to engrave the candle - such as the name of the intended,  usually I wait until this stage as a final this is my intention step) then dress the candle with oils, anointing. Add herbs if you so wish.  Place on a candle stand in a fire safe bowl adding sand and/or salt to the bowl for grounding and additional fire protection. 

State again what your intentions and requirements are for this candle and its contents; once again reaffirming your goals three times.

Light the candle and meditate over the flame.  Let the candle flame completely burn out.  Do not interfere with the flame.  You can put your hands around the outside of the candle a good 4-6" away making sure your skin and clothes are not near the flame.  Stare into the flame and scry or meditate while repeating the desired intention.


Once the flame burns out you may have seen a vision in the flame, any smoke from the paper or items, the candle may have only half burnt for example only burnt down the right side of the skull.  Look into those correspondences.. 

- Left hemisphere processes linear and sequence.  It's also the side of the brain that processes verbal information such as speech. Logical. Analytical. Objective.  (so the answer you seek may be in talking, or taking a more logical or objective approach) etc.. 

- Right hemisphere is more creative. Intuitive. Thoughtful. Subjective. (so the answer you may see may be in a creative outlet or take time to be thoughtful and perhaps meditate on the subject.  Or take into consideration that person's thoughts and what could be in their mind) etc..

Delving further into left brain, right brain functions and characteristics. Or associations. May reveal some answers.  In other situations it's a case of allowing that intent to be taken into the air, into energy force and put out those desired intentions and wait.  Not everything is black and white and you don't you get answers at once or even how you may expect.

Once done the remaining contents should be disposed of.  Correctly..

-Negative / neutral / bad energy working such as banishing or removing - toss it away in the bin, bury it at sea or generally take away from your home...

-Positive / invoking / good energy workings bury in your garden, reform into a wearable charm (such as in a vial), bury in a plantpot in your house, keep in a jar under your bed...

Another video by  Madame Pamita to get rid of spell remains

My latest experience 1st August 2017 (Blessed Lammas wishes today.)

Me I have no problem sharing this.  Tonight I put out my intentions between me and this other person and during burning I got a phone call out the blue from said person and while the candle was still burning down the right side.  We discussed our situation at hand.  And while my intention was that I wanted things to either move on and progress and develop now or end and be done with because we seem to have been at this stalemate for months where we just 'are' and it's not healthy.  As the conversation turned so did the candle as the majority right side burnt away with the paper that oddly didn't smoke or behave like burning paper at all.  Sadly it seems this has taken a turn for the worst of the two and it would appear it is the end of that relationship, I could be wrong.  But at least it is a development and not just same thing different day...  I wonder how this will unfold.

Imogen xo

2-3 Hours later (update) 
So tonight is riddled with emotional Magick. I did said skull candle spell I've been working on a while and tonight is burn night. The intention was to influence my boyfriend (long distance) to either make the effort to come see me NOW or break up with me. During the first 5 minutes he called... (out the blue) and we talked - we broke up. I'm very sad but at least it's progress one way or another.. Trying to get 'ok' with it by basically blogging and focusing on learning new things. I went to make a cup of tea and that exact area where I was sat doing the skull candle before I found a black craft feather!! I have absolutely no idea where it has come from!! No clue!! So I Googled the meaning of 'black feathers' which apparently means a spirit is watching over me and I am protected and loved and/or a sign of clarity that I'm on the right path. Now I feel somewhat emotional... Shaking.. Actually. 

Back feather meaning