Sunday, 31 December 2017

BoS Prompts 6: The Moon!

Prompt 6. Sunday 31st December 2017 - The 6th prompt will be...  The Moon!

I hope you all had a wonderful Seasonal time..  And all the best for the New Year.

There's now a dedicated facebook page to support these blog posts @

Thank you all for the support.  I've now made a dedicated facebook page so if you go there turn on all notifications you won't miss these blog posts!! 

So where do we start?  

The Moon..  More than just the big white rock in the sky..  There is so much to cover here but as with my other posts I don’t want to do all the work for you.  As said there’s so much I can tell you about The Moon but I’m not going too!?

The Moon has so many different aspects that you can be studied from an Astronomy study, Astrology side, as a physical manifestation or symbol of The Goddess, Gardening by The Moon, Cleansing and purification by The Moon, Moon spells, rituals and other workings, Esbats (Celebrating The Full Moon each month), Moon phases and cycles including New Moon, Waxing and Waning Moons and well the list does indeed go on..

The Moon itself has a great effect on the earth but more specifically on water and the tides among other things.  Thus The Moon has a great effect on us, not just as Witches, Pagans or other Spiritual Practitioners, Astrologists, Sky gazers and Moon lovers etc.. but also physically as the adult human body is said to be made up of around 60% water.

Did you know not everyone in the world experiences The Full Moon on the same night?  Depending on if you live in North, South, East or West Hemisphere and such.  For example: (Me) here in England usually experiences The Full Moon the night after my friends in America.  Not always, but most of the time!  It is there for good for you to know what The Moon is doing in YOUR location..  I found a good website for this to be simply enter your own location timezone also if you're buying diaries which are Moon based make sure they work for your timezone.  For example: (Me) here in England it is pointless getting a Llewellyn's Witches Datebook, calendar or almanac but I found a good alternative to be Astro Moon Diary by Astrocal A5 but available in different bindings..  Also available on amazon and ebay - very friendly and lovely people..  I did a video on my YouTube about it..  I got the new style binding which they're no longer doing (thankfully) and I did a blog on how to alter the binding.

None magical Moon book recommendation:
'The Book of The Moon' by Rick Stroud. 
The Moon is said to be the physical representation or symbol of The Goddess, like the Sun is of the God, sometimes A Triple Moon (Waning, Full and Waxing) is used as a symbol of The Triple Goddess; which as mentioned in my last blog post Wheel of The Year & The Sabbats  is the three aspects of The Goddess known as Maiden, Mother and Crone.  

If you read my last blog post on the Wheel of The Year & The Sabbats you’ll know I mentioned Esbats, this is something which frequently comes up but surprisingly a lot of people get confused with what Esbats are..  So once again I’ll tell you!  Esbats are the celebration of the monthly Full Moon.  They are celebrated in different ways and traditions according to each practitioner, coven, religion, faith, practice etc.  Typically there’s 12 of these a year (one every 28 days) however on rare occasions a year can hold 13 New Moons (for example 2018!).  - This is not to be confused with a supermoon as a supermoon is when a Full Moon coincides approximately within the closest distance to Earth with in its elliptic orbit, resulting in a much larger appearing moon in the sky. 

Moon Names:
Did you know that The Full Moons have names? And sometimes when there is a second moon in the same month this is known as a Blue Moon!!  These don't happen every year..  (Which I believe is where the phrase "once in a blue moon" comes from!) -   Maybe this is something else you might wish to look into..  It might also be something you wish to include in your Books - for me I'm adding photo corners so I can change out a card that has The Moon dates and names for each year!!  I MIGHT add a pocket on the opposite page to contain the previous year’s cards..

Waxing and Waning: 
Again something else I have covered before, but something you may wish to make a note of in your books.  You know the statement ‘Wax on Wax off’ well I found an easy to remember ‘Wax on Wane off’.  
  • New Moons are good for new beginnings.. 
  • The Moon phases from New Moon to Full are Waxing – This is a great time to do ritual and spell work to attract, bring, amplify, grow, build, gain etc.. 
  • Full Moons (aside from celebrations, charging and all that good stuff) are generally good all-round for almost any spell, ritual or other working especially powerful ones such as protection.
  • The Moon phases from Full Moon to New are Waning – This is a great time to do ritual and spell work to banish, get rid, remove, repel, push away etc..  

Cleansing / purification and charging by The Moon: 
Most practitioners who work with The Moon will use The Full Moon (and sometime new or other Moon phases) as a time to cleanse and purify those energies from items such as crystals and magickal working tools.  And/or charging those items to give them or restore the powerful energies of The Moon, The Goddess and other energies.  – I briefly covered this in my blog about Cleanse, Consecrate and Charge (The Three C’s).  This again can be done in different ways however typically items are placed outside on a tray or inside on a windowsill and left under The Full Moons glow (even when The Moon is hidden behind clouds).  Water collected and/or charged on Full Moons can be used as powerful water in later workings.  – As previously mentioned be careful how items react to elements eg. Some crystals will fade under sunlight while others may get damaged when wet ie rain water.

Another use for The Moon, and Moon phases, is Gardening by The Moon.  This is so uncommon these days yet such a simple and crazy powerful tool to literally everyone's arsenal no matter whom you are!!  Not just farmers purchase almanacs!  Now you might of heard of Gardening by The Moon or even Perpetual Moon Calendars but regardless / or if you haven’t then I am going to tell you and show you here.  So Gardening by The Moon and Moon Gardens are not the same thing.

First a Moon Garden can be an indoor or an outdoor garden which is specifically designed and created to only house white flowering plants, these plants are said to reflect the whiteness of The Moon and thus be a Moon Garden.  Moon Gardens are used for many different uses from dedications, honouring, memorial, peace and meditation, spell work and much more or simply as a decorative garden.

Gardening by The Moon is literally that..
Line up The Full Moon with the correct date of which The Full Moon lands upon that month.
2 days before, New Moon day and 2 days after:  New Moon are Rising Vitality - this is a good time to Dig and Cultivate.  - This is a time to prepare for very fertile time and you should delay sowing anything other than grass seed.  This is a good time to do odd jobs.
The next 9 days: This is the most prolific for sowing and planting all that produces above ground (Peas, Beans, Cauliflowers, Cabbages, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, and Flowers/Plants etc).  - Don't prune as this will cause dieback.  - Take cuttings.  - Good for grafting. - Do not plant root crops as these will go to seed.
The next 2 days: They are good for liquid manures.
The next 4 days: They are cultivating only days for quick germination and weak spindly growth.
The next 2 days: They are good for root crops especially onions & potatoes.  Grass can also be sewn.
The next 5 days: This is a barren period *low sap run *harvest all.  - Low vitality avoid planting and sowing.  Remove weeds and do pruning.
Next 2 days: Plant all root crops especially swedes, carrots, flowers and grass seed.  Continue pruning during this time.
and repeat..

I believe you can buy a Perpetual Moon Calendar from - however at $12 plus shipping, plus import fees to the UK I decided to spend several hours and make my own.  - I printed one out in full size and used a tiny washer and a brad to make the two parts rotate.  When I get round to it I will be doing a smaller version of this to stick into my Book of Shadows / Grimoire as an interactive page.  This is something you might want to do and then journal on the opposite page the information I posted above.  Here is what I designed (you may print and use if it is of use to you).  If designing your own remember there's only 28 days in a Moon cycle.  - How to use:  Simply move The Full Moon picture to the corresponding day of the month and then follow the 28 days gardening by The Moon. 

(cut inside the numbers on the image to the right and outside the numbers for the image to the left)

A better Perpetual Moon calendar explanation - Q&A: All About Moon Gardening. - video by Paper Tams

Another interesting take - Planting by the Moon  explained. - video by Full House Homesteaders W/ Homestead Mama


It should go without saying that the prompt this week is to read this information, go study more about the different things mentioned here and indeed The Moon.  - If you like you can also leave comments below this blog or on Facebook comments with other ideas / notes for Moon studies and prompts for other users!!  - Research.

Book Activity:

Then create in your book...   This could be anything from using Moon stickers, other Moon stickers, or drawing them free hand or painting, or using the Moon stamps, or Moon sticky notes, printing out royalty free images, purchasing Moon artwork..  List goes on.  Using those elements to create a layout or two or three.  As said how I am going to use photo corners for replaceable images and/or pockets. You could use no imagery and just journal..  Use Moon washi tape..  it could be monochrome or colourful.  It could include a Triple Moon and information on the triple goddess (though that is next weeks prompt).  You might want to print out and create a Perpetual Moon Calendar interactive page or write out the information about how to garden by The Moon.  You may wish to create a Moon garden and include a photo of it in your book or journal about the types of flowers and plants you might / have included.


Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.7 - Enlightenment & Deity.

Saturday, 23 December 2017

(UK Review 13) Enhancing your Mind, Body, Spirit Magazine Issue 45, 46, 47 & 48 Subscription

See YouTube Video Description 

* The full playlist + bonus content -

November 10th: Thank you for 700 YouTube Subscribers❣️

December 23rd: Thank you for 825 YouTube Subscribers❣️

Sunday, 17 December 2017

BoS Prompts 5: Sabbats & Wheel of The Year.

Prompt 5. Sunday 17th December 2017 - The 5th prompt will be...  Sabbats & Wheel of The Year.

At the time this was published, Christmas eve is a week away meaning next Sunday I will not be posting a Prompt because 1. I don't know if people will have time to read this one let alone one the night before Christmas.  2. I don't really want too!!  Hehe..  If I find time there is a video I want to get done which will fall well into these posts..  If I find time.  Seasons Greetings, Happy Hanukkah, Divine Saturnalia, Blessed Yule, Merry Christmas etc..

There's now a dedicated facebook page to support these blog posts @

Thank you all for the support.  I've now made a dedicated facebook page so if you go there turn on all notifications you won't miss these blog posts!! 

P5A:  Different between Sabbats and Esbats?
Sabbats are eight seasonal marks throughout the year.  Some are fixed dates such as Samhain is on the 31st October every year whereas others move slightly like Yule can fall on 19, 20, 21, 22 or 23rd December.  Sabbats mark the changing of the 4 seasons and also the story of the birth, life and death of God and the changing of the Goddess.
The Goddess goes through a three part  change each year as part of the yearly cycle.  In the Springtime she is said to be the Maiden aspect as she is reborn and revived full of new life, she is said to be fresh, pure and have that young innocent everything is new excitement..  In the Summer the Goddess becomes the Mother aspect (mother-earth) and as such she is now imbued with new developing life,  she is entering and developing in motherhood and she is glowing and giving life to the world..  In the Winter again she changes to become the Crone aspect as she reaches the end of her cycle.  As she has aged now knowing and being wise.  She dies only to be reborn again in the Springtime when she once again becomes the maiden.

In Paganism this triple aspect or triple Goddess is often shown in pictures as 3 separate Goddesses / Women however we actually we see her as just the one and is therefore called ‘the Goddess’.  – This title of ‘The Goddess’ is a none-specified name covering all female deity forms.  While some will call her by a specific name referring to her different aspects that correspond to them or perhaps their working.

Like the Goddess, the God has a yearly cycle and change for him he is born at Yule and grows into a child, young adult, very fertile young adult, adult, and through to being elderly and through to death where he is then reborn again from the Goddess at Yule. 
Again, like the Goddess, we often use the term and name 'the God' which is a none-specified name and as said more specific God names can be given to speak to a specific aspect of The God. 

Esbats are celebrations of the full moon; there are 12 (rarely 13) of these a year.  - I will cover this in the next BoS Prompt which is about the moon!

Physical & Book Activity:
Optional - You might want to write that down, or at least remember it, in your book or at least make a note of it.  The next blog installment will be about the moon so you might want to hold off till then..


P5B:  What are the Sabbats?
As said there are eight.. 

  • Yule (Winter Solstice) December 19, 20, 21, 22, or 23
  • Imbolc (Brigid, Candlemas, Imbolg, or Brigid’s Day) February 1 or 2
  • Ostara (Spring Equinox, Eostar or Oestarra) March 20, 21, 22, or 23
  • Beltane (May Eve, Beltaine, Bealtaine, or May Day) April 30 or May 1
  • Litha (Summer Solstice, or Midsummer) June 20, 21, 22, or 23
  • Lammas (Lughnasad or Lughnasad) August 1
  • Mabon (Fall Equinox or Home Harvest) September 20, 21, 22, or 23
  • Samhain (All Hallow’s Eve, Hallowmas or Halloween): October 31 (some celebrate November 1)

Yule aka Winter Solstice
Since to most Pagans God is represented by the Sun and the Goddess by the Moon. Yule is a very symbolic time as it not only marks the shortest day of the year.  But it is a time that shows the death and rebirth.  Yule is where The Goddess gives birth to a son, The God.  Following this seasonal time The Sun (God) stays up in the sky for a short time although as the seasons continue to change and God (The Sun) stays up longer and longer, just as the sun literally is in the sky longer and longer, this is a symbolism of how he grows into a boy and then a man and then an elderly man and eventually his death throughout the seasons.

Ways in most Pagans celebrate Yule usually has us look upon the death and darkness of winter but with great hope of new life and fertility in the Spring time.  We often celebrate this by lighting candles, and decorating evergreen trees to welcome back the greenness of our lands and to welcome God as he grows giving us those longer days and shorter nights.

Imbolc (Pronounced Im-ulk)
Imbolc is the sabbat that marks the early beginnings of spring time.  

The longer days and new growth the Goddess is recovering after giving birth to the God.  It is also the sabbat that brings us warmth from the Suns new fertility as he has matured, causing the seeds of life to germinate and sprout.

Imbolc is a celebration of surviving the dark freezing death of winter, and beaming with new life, longer days, new beginnings, growth, and new light.  It is a time when most Pagans literally clean their living spaces and is most powerful to cleansing, cleaning and concentrating workings.

Ostara aka Spring Equinox
(Equinox meaning day and night are the same length.)  The Spring Equinox is the festival that marks the first true day of Spring time. 

It is this part of the year that God has reached his maturity and entering into young adulthood where he is most fertile.

We celebrate Ostara as the light that has taken over the darkness.  It is considered by Pagans and Witches alike to be the best time of year to do workings for future gain.

Beltane aka May Day
Beltane is the Sabbat where the Goddess and God lay together and unite as one. It is also a time for marriage and union.

This is often celebrated with dance, or more specifically the dance of the May Pole – The May Pole is used as a symbol of both the flame of the Sun (God) and also that of the fire of the cauldron (Cauldrons are often a symbol of the womb or goddesses womb).  – And the weaving in and out of the May Pole is a symbol of the the Goddess and God coming together as one.

We also celebrate this Sabbat with a lot of plants.   It’s said to be the best time to do workings of fertility and love.

Litha aka Summer Solstice aka Midsummer
This day marks the longest day of the year and is the sabbat where nature is at its highest peak and absolutely flourishing with life. 

Litha is often celebrated literally from sun rises to the point where the sun sets and this is demonstrated with magic of all kinds - a very powerful day.  Many Pagans celebrate this sabbat around a fire to represent the sun.

Lammas / Lughnasah (Pronounced Loo-na-sad)
Lammas is the marking of the Harvest festifval, it is where the first harvest of the year takes place and we celebrate this as a sign of being thankful to both the God and the Goddess for providing us with such a bountiful crop.

It is the time where God is now reached that elderly adulthood and is slowly fading and is beginning to die, though he live on within the womb of the Goddess don’t forget!!

This sabbat is where we reflect and show how we are thankful and in thought of nature and the world and all that it has given us this year and how each meal is such a gift.  Most Pagans celebrate this sabbat only with food this is often a meal containing and also offering a symbolism of the harvest such as bread as a token of thankfulness and appreciation, it is also to honour.

Mabon aka Autumn Equinox
(Like Spring Equinox, Again the Autumn Equinox is when day and night are the same length)  At this time of the year the Darkness once again takes over our lands and the seasons shy away from the light.

The God gets ready to leave his physical body now until he is reborn, from The Goddess at Yule.

Samhain (Pronounced Sow-Hane)
Samhain is said to be the Pagan / Witches New Year.  It marks the start of winter and of death and darkness.  It is one of the most important times; as it is a time of the year for reflection, not just of ourselves, but to remember those we have lost and pay our respects to them, to our ancestors it is also a time to celebrate what has been accomplished over the year and be thankful for the harvest and all what we have.

We celebrate this Sabbat in may ways which may include setting a dinner place for the dead at your table, visiting the resting places of ancestors past, lighting of candles and more.

As said it is also a time of personal reflection, a lot of shadow workings are done around this time especially entering into the darker months.

Physical Activity:

Optional - There are many different ways in which the Sabbats are celebrated..  Perhaps research them maybe even mock practice them? 

At the time this blog post was released it is the week before Yule..  Also since this is technically the Birth of God it truly would be a good place for you to start your study.

Book Activity:
Journal about each Sabbat.  Like the Elements this could be a page or two pages for each or it could simple be just a list with basic information.  You could make it bright and colourful or have each part represented by its attribute (birth / life / death).  You might want to journal this after your wheel of the year, or before..  Be creative.


P5C:  What is the wheel of the year?
The wheel of the year is best described as a round calendar.  From it's centre point if you rotate it round so each Sabbat is at the top.  Often these 'wheel of the year' calendars show pictures of symbolism relating to that time, it should incorporate the dates (some dates are fixed whereas others move slightly), The name of the holiday and any other information you deem fit.

Here's some examples I pulled off of the internet...
Purchasable Print from Etsy

Image can be found on this website.

Image can be found on this website.

Physical & Book Activity:
Research more about The Wheel of The Year and then purchase/print your own OR even better I challenge you to make your own Wheel of The Year!!  Simply draw a circle and then divide this into 8 segments and use the information I have given you here to create your own.  I would absolutely love to see these.  Feel free to make it and stick it into your BoS or if you're feeling confident draw it straight in.  You could also be extra creative if you attach it with a brad (paper pin) so you can move it round and have an interactive BoS page! 


Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next week there will be no prompt as it's Christmas but the week ager prompt No.6 - Moon Stuff.

Monday, 11 December 2017

PP. Cheap Moon Phase & Weather Stamps

Do you see what I see? - A full moon phase planner stamp set.. £2.19 inc shipping but OMG I simply just HAD to get this.. Omg... I've been searching for a moon phase stamp set for YEARS the cheapest I could find was £12 + £10 shipping (provably + import fees) from Etsy. So to find this by accident on hehehe day made! Shame it doesn't have a fire symbol or it would do elements too!! (note you need an acrylic block and ink pads with these).

Sunday, 10 December 2017

BoS Prompts 4: Tree of Life / Grounding / Meditation / Whiteroom / Prayer

Prompt 4. Sunday 10th December 2017 - The 4th prompt will be...  Tree of Life / Grounding / Meditation / Whiteroom / Prayer

Todays read is based on physical activity; which can be as short or long as you make it!!  I, as a disabled person, will also be including some physically disabled alternatives to the physical activities.  I also encourage everyone/you to do more research and find what works best for them/you!!

There's now a dedicated facebook page to support these blog posts @

Thank you all for the support.  I've now made a dedicated facebook page so if you go there turn on all notifications you won't miss these blog posts!! 

P4A:  What is The Tree of Life:
The tree of life has both a physical and metaphysical meaning.  The symbol of the tree is rooted in many different religions, cultures and beliefs throughout history.  I thought I would touch on a few of those here..

Credits:  As Above So BelowFour SeasonsMother NatureCeltic Knot Tree and Garden of Eden Tree

As a Witch and/or Pagan it is most likely you will have come across the phrase "as above so below" or at least the symbol of the tree and roots which if turned upside down still reflects the tree and its roots.  The concept of this being "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing." - European Alchemist Hermes Trismegistus and the Emerald Tablet.  

Trees can also be a rather a strong visual as most don't see roots which are as strong if not stronger than the leafy branches above but a tree needs both in order to grow and survive. (live).  This symbolism could also have associations with 'out of sight out of mind' but still manifests and grows to become what it is to be.

The tree of life can also be a symbol of the four seasons and their respected associated elements - as the tree shows the 4 different annual stages.  - That said I somewhat do enjoy the element associations given here

Another example is the tree symbolises Mother Earth (is the symbol of) which is not just a symbol of nature but also a connection to ancestors of old, the spirit world and a representation of the journey of spiritual development and growth. 

The Celtic tree, or the Celtic knot Tree of Life, has branches that reach into the sky and roots that dig into the earth and round joining together as a symbol of balance and harmony in all things, particularly when all things are in balance and harmony with nature.

As said trees are a symbol in many religions another example would be in the Bible.  The Bible tells us of the tree in the Garden of Eden.  A tree symbolised as holy divine tree which was shown bearing fruit that was said to give eternal life. This tree, and it's fruit, was/is thought of as sacred.

This is but a few examples of tree of life and tree symbolism.  I encourage you to research other meanings and beliefs. 

Physical Activity:
1.Research other tree meanings, symbolism and beliefs. Optional - types of trees and their magickal properties.

2.Find yourself a tree (any type - preferably a big tree with at least the same circumference as a human adult) and study it. What does it look like? feel? smell? - Hug the tree, take pictures, pastel/graphite rubbings, take a fallen leaf home and dry/flower press it.. - bonus if you opted to do TipToeChick's element days (as mentioned last week) this could be your getting to know Earth Element day!

Book Activity:
Draw and/or write about The Tree of Life and / or tree symbolism and / or any tree research you did.  You may want to add a photo (acid free paper), rubbing, pressed leaf and / or journal about your experience.  - Alternatively you could add this media to your earth element pages from last week!


P4B:  What is Grounding / Grounding Meditation:
Grounding is an essentially an activity that connects you energetically to the earth. It helps us become balanced and centered while we are firmly planted and connected to the earth.  It is a basic meditation practice and often a requirement after spiritual practice / magickal working that consumes our energies.

"Grounding allows you to be more authentically in your body, in the present moment, and receive nourishing energy" - Marilyn O’Malley   I honestly reccomended you read her Article 'How to Ground Yourself and Why' -

Physical Activity:

1.Take a trip outside (or inside) into nature this could be a field, woods, forest, beach or even your back-garden!!  Once you have found a peaceful spot where you won't be disturbed sit down cross legged (if able, if not find yourself a comfortable chair/seat or sit with your legs straight out - whatever is most comfortable for yourself) and as you sit imagine your spine extending downward as if it were forming roots which are now growing down your from your spine, down into the ground much like roots of a tree.  As the roots grow down feel the connection between yourself and the earth growing as though the two are now one.  Feel the connection develop and centre yourself over time which will give heightened experiences to your higher self, people, other beings and things.

Additional disabled note – you do not have to be in nature, a comfortable chair or bed with a creative imagination will suffice although if this exercise seems a little harder indoors perhaps play some nature sounds, light outdoor scented incense and open a window to create the ambiance..  

2.Note this is just one way in which we can ground ourselves - Again I encourage you to study further and see what feels right to you.

Book Activity:
Optional - Journal how to ground yourself; what works best for you.. Thoughts.. Feelings..   


P4C:  What is Meditation:
While many different religions incorporate meditation into their practice meditation itself is not bound to nor is specifically a part of any religion; it is a science, this  means the process of meditation follows a particular order, has definite principles, and produces results that can be verified.

Meditation is a precise technique done to achieve a calm resting of the mind.  This is done to attaining a state of consciousness that is different from the normal state of waking mind.  Meditation is done to reach different levels of ourselves and to experience the center of consciousness within.   This is a calming of the mind and body is often done to help focus / concentration / balance.

There's multiple ways to physically achieve meditation; most often this is done by sitting cross legged upon the floor.  Sometimes sitting is upon a cushion (or a zafu), mat such as a yoga mat, chair or other comfortable surface (as a disabled person I usually sit or lay in bed).  Something the sitting is not always cross legged, something the sitting is replaced by kneeling or lying down. 

(Feel free to skip my personal experience story!) 
My Whiteroom Meditation
In my experience I seriously struggle with meditation.  It often makes me feel physically sick / nauseated, dizzy, very uncomfortable, it can be quite stressful and 9/10 I can't reach the desired goal while meditating in most of the more common ways.  - I don't know if this is because of my physical disabilities, pain etc or illnesses: anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia and what ever else I may have going on!
That said I do seem to achieve my goals with my whiteroom meditation which I have done since I can ever remember - even before my Pagan / Witch days, before I even knew what meditation was and in all honest I didn't even know it was a thing!!  I just thought it was something I do to help me process things before I sleep. 
So let me start by saying it's different for most people.  And for me my whiteroom is just that.
To achieve this I get ready for bed, lay down in bed and clear my mind as best I can. I focus on my whiteroom and the things in it which are certain object in my whiteroom..
  • To the immediate left is a table; sometimes there are things on it and sometimes it is empty and sometimes it's decorated based on the season/holiday..
  • Past the table is a tall cupboard I use to use to store all my memories I wanted to be able to access later.  Good and bad sorted into bins.
  • In front of that cupboard is now a large dead tree - this is now blocking access to the cupboard. - I can't remove the tree.
  • Beyond that is just whiteness.
  • Back at my starting point to the right is just more vast whiteness.
  • Straight ahead from my starting point is more vast whiteness and far in the distance is a large tall oak tree and the silhouette of batman and catwoman.
These are the things always in my white room.  My whiteroom is a place I go to before I sleep I can not wake up from this room I can only leave to go into a literal sleep and then wake from that.  During the time in my whiteroom I am able to achieve varying mediation, I am able to find answers, achieve my higherself and on two occasions something I'm questioning as astral projection.  This room enables me to make decisions, see things more clearly.  Sometimes new things will be in the room and sometimes these things stay until they're dealt with and other times they become a familiar features of my whiteroom.

Physical Activity:
1.Research more about meditation.

2.Practice meditation.

Book Activity:
Optional - Journal about meditation; what works best for you.. Thoughts.. Feelings..   


P4D:  What is Prayer:
Prayer is actually very subjective to the religion and the individual, while I advise you again research prayer..  I just wanted to touch on some food for thought of this here and how this relates to Pagan Practices and/or Witchcraft.  

When we think of prayer I'm sure most of us have some kind of image of hands together, silently asking God for assistance, help, to make something happen, a wish, a blessing..  Surely that act is exactly what we do when we do when we do a spell, working, ritual etc..  It is putting our intentions out there for some higher being to assist.  Be it God, Goddess, Ancestors, Elements, Divine, Our higherself..  Or some other..  You may even, while studying, come across some different practices and styles of prayer which may including tools such as rosary beads.. (a blog on that later in this series!)

Physical Activity:
1.Research more about prayer and similar practices - how does it relate to you?

2.Optional - Practice.

Book Activity:
Optional - Journal about prayer or concepts and workings; what is your thoughts, are there any practices you like and may now apply to your life, works best for you.. Etc


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Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.5 - Sabbats & Wheel of The Year.