Sunday 10 December 2017

BoS Prompts 4: Tree of Life / Grounding / Meditation / Whiteroom / Prayer

Prompt 4. Sunday 10th December 2017 - The 4th prompt will be...  Tree of Life / Grounding / Meditation / Whiteroom / Prayer

Todays read is based on physical activity; which can be as short or long as you make it!!  I, as a disabled person, will also be including some physically disabled alternatives to the physical activities.  I also encourage everyone/you to do more research and find what works best for them/you!!

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Thank you all for the support.  I've now made a dedicated facebook page so if you go there turn on all notifications you won't miss these blog posts!! 

P4A:  What is The Tree of Life:
The tree of life has both a physical and metaphysical meaning.  The symbol of the tree is rooted in many different religions, cultures and beliefs throughout history.  I thought I would touch on a few of those here..

Credits:  As Above So BelowFour SeasonsMother NatureCeltic Knot Tree and Garden of Eden Tree

As a Witch and/or Pagan it is most likely you will have come across the phrase "as above so below" or at least the symbol of the tree and roots which if turned upside down still reflects the tree and its roots.  The concept of this being "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing." - European Alchemist Hermes Trismegistus and the Emerald Tablet.  

Trees can also be a rather a strong visual as most don't see roots which are as strong if not stronger than the leafy branches above but a tree needs both in order to grow and survive. (live).  This symbolism could also have associations with 'out of sight out of mind' but still manifests and grows to become what it is to be.

The tree of life can also be a symbol of the four seasons and their respected associated elements - as the tree shows the 4 different annual stages.  - That said I somewhat do enjoy the element associations given here

Another example is the tree symbolises Mother Earth (is the symbol of) which is not just a symbol of nature but also a connection to ancestors of old, the spirit world and a representation of the journey of spiritual development and growth. 

The Celtic tree, or the Celtic knot Tree of Life, has branches that reach into the sky and roots that dig into the earth and round joining together as a symbol of balance and harmony in all things, particularly when all things are in balance and harmony with nature.

As said trees are a symbol in many religions another example would be in the Bible.  The Bible tells us of the tree in the Garden of Eden.  A tree symbolised as holy divine tree which was shown bearing fruit that was said to give eternal life. This tree, and it's fruit, was/is thought of as sacred.

This is but a few examples of tree of life and tree symbolism.  I encourage you to research other meanings and beliefs. 

Physical Activity:
1.Research other tree meanings, symbolism and beliefs. Optional - types of trees and their magickal properties.

2.Find yourself a tree (any type - preferably a big tree with at least the same circumference as a human adult) and study it. What does it look like? feel? smell? - Hug the tree, take pictures, pastel/graphite rubbings, take a fallen leaf home and dry/flower press it.. - bonus if you opted to do TipToeChick's element days (as mentioned last week) this could be your getting to know Earth Element day!

Book Activity:
Draw and/or write about The Tree of Life and / or tree symbolism and / or any tree research you did.  You may want to add a photo (acid free paper), rubbing, pressed leaf and / or journal about your experience.  - Alternatively you could add this media to your earth element pages from last week!


P4B:  What is Grounding / Grounding Meditation:
Grounding is an essentially an activity that connects you energetically to the earth. It helps us become balanced and centered while we are firmly planted and connected to the earth.  It is a basic meditation practice and often a requirement after spiritual practice / magickal working that consumes our energies.

"Grounding allows you to be more authentically in your body, in the present moment, and receive nourishing energy" - Marilyn O’Malley   I honestly reccomended you read her Article 'How to Ground Yourself and Why' -

Physical Activity:

1.Take a trip outside (or inside) into nature this could be a field, woods, forest, beach or even your back-garden!!  Once you have found a peaceful spot where you won't be disturbed sit down cross legged (if able, if not find yourself a comfortable chair/seat or sit with your legs straight out - whatever is most comfortable for yourself) and as you sit imagine your spine extending downward as if it were forming roots which are now growing down your from your spine, down into the ground much like roots of a tree.  As the roots grow down feel the connection between yourself and the earth growing as though the two are now one.  Feel the connection develop and centre yourself over time which will give heightened experiences to your higher self, people, other beings and things.

Additional disabled note – you do not have to be in nature, a comfortable chair or bed with a creative imagination will suffice although if this exercise seems a little harder indoors perhaps play some nature sounds, light outdoor scented incense and open a window to create the ambiance..  

2.Note this is just one way in which we can ground ourselves - Again I encourage you to study further and see what feels right to you.

Book Activity:
Optional - Journal how to ground yourself; what works best for you.. Thoughts.. Feelings..   


P4C:  What is Meditation:
While many different religions incorporate meditation into their practice meditation itself is not bound to nor is specifically a part of any religion; it is a science, this  means the process of meditation follows a particular order, has definite principles, and produces results that can be verified.

Meditation is a precise technique done to achieve a calm resting of the mind.  This is done to attaining a state of consciousness that is different from the normal state of waking mind.  Meditation is done to reach different levels of ourselves and to experience the center of consciousness within.   This is a calming of the mind and body is often done to help focus / concentration / balance.

There's multiple ways to physically achieve meditation; most often this is done by sitting cross legged upon the floor.  Sometimes sitting is upon a cushion (or a zafu), mat such as a yoga mat, chair or other comfortable surface (as a disabled person I usually sit or lay in bed).  Something the sitting is not always cross legged, something the sitting is replaced by kneeling or lying down. 

(Feel free to skip my personal experience story!) 
My Whiteroom Meditation
In my experience I seriously struggle with meditation.  It often makes me feel physically sick / nauseated, dizzy, very uncomfortable, it can be quite stressful and 9/10 I can't reach the desired goal while meditating in most of the more common ways.  - I don't know if this is because of my physical disabilities, pain etc or illnesses: anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia and what ever else I may have going on!
That said I do seem to achieve my goals with my whiteroom meditation which I have done since I can ever remember - even before my Pagan / Witch days, before I even knew what meditation was and in all honest I didn't even know it was a thing!!  I just thought it was something I do to help me process things before I sleep. 
So let me start by saying it's different for most people.  And for me my whiteroom is just that.
To achieve this I get ready for bed, lay down in bed and clear my mind as best I can. I focus on my whiteroom and the things in it which are certain object in my whiteroom..
  • To the immediate left is a table; sometimes there are things on it and sometimes it is empty and sometimes it's decorated based on the season/holiday..
  • Past the table is a tall cupboard I use to use to store all my memories I wanted to be able to access later.  Good and bad sorted into bins.
  • In front of that cupboard is now a large dead tree - this is now blocking access to the cupboard. - I can't remove the tree.
  • Beyond that is just whiteness.
  • Back at my starting point to the right is just more vast whiteness.
  • Straight ahead from my starting point is more vast whiteness and far in the distance is a large tall oak tree and the silhouette of batman and catwoman.
These are the things always in my white room.  My whiteroom is a place I go to before I sleep I can not wake up from this room I can only leave to go into a literal sleep and then wake from that.  During the time in my whiteroom I am able to achieve varying mediation, I am able to find answers, achieve my higherself and on two occasions something I'm questioning as astral projection.  This room enables me to make decisions, see things more clearly.  Sometimes new things will be in the room and sometimes these things stay until they're dealt with and other times they become a familiar features of my whiteroom.

Physical Activity:
1.Research more about meditation.

2.Practice meditation.

Book Activity:
Optional - Journal about meditation; what works best for you.. Thoughts.. Feelings..   


P4D:  What is Prayer:
Prayer is actually very subjective to the religion and the individual, while I advise you again research prayer..  I just wanted to touch on some food for thought of this here and how this relates to Pagan Practices and/or Witchcraft.  

When we think of prayer I'm sure most of us have some kind of image of hands together, silently asking God for assistance, help, to make something happen, a wish, a blessing..  Surely that act is exactly what we do when we do when we do a spell, working, ritual etc..  It is putting our intentions out there for some higher being to assist.  Be it God, Goddess, Ancestors, Elements, Divine, Our higherself..  Or some other..  You may even, while studying, come across some different practices and styles of prayer which may including tools such as rosary beads.. (a blog on that later in this series!)

Physical Activity:
1.Research more about prayer and similar practices - how does it relate to you?

2.Optional - Practice.

Book Activity:
Optional - Journal about prayer or concepts and workings; what is your thoughts, are there any practices you like and may now apply to your life, works best for you.. Etc


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Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.5 - Sabbats & Wheel of The Year.

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