Sunday, 25 February 2018

BoS Prompts 14: Protection, Repel, Banish (Workings).

There's now a dedicated facebook page to support these blog posts @

Thank you all for the support.  I've now made a dedicated facebook page so if you go there turn on all notifications you won't miss these blog posts!! 

Prompt 14. Sunday 24th February 2018 - The 14th prompt will be...  
Protection, Repel, Banish (Workings).

Another one completely open to your own interpretation and beliefs.  Hopefully though you'll have something a bit more hands on and practical things to do this week.  As well as more information for your books.

Protection, Repel, Banish (Workings) 

Here we are at week 14..  I’m really unsure where time has gone!!   - So I feel like we have done a lot of educational and not so much hands on so this week I thought we would look at some simple spell work – Protection, Repel and Banish.  But of course I need to chat away a whole bunch first and bore you to death as per usual hehe.

So first of all there are many types of spells and many types of those types of spell and many ways in which we can do all of that..  So 3 types of spells / workings would be ‘Protection’, ‘Repel’ and ‘Banish’ – I’ve banned these 3 together while very different we can tackle them the same.

As said there are many ways in which we can go about doing this.  First let me say that you don’t always have to cast a circle, call the quarters, invoke spiritual or divine or ancestral beings etc.  And as mentioned there’s more than a few items you could use such as different coloured candles; I found most common to be Black – Negative, White – Purity, Brown – Home / Earth not to say that other colours aren’t used) I of course did a blog on Colours & Candles which you may find useful for reference – though you should have wrote that in your BoS!   I also mentioned in the Herbs and Stones section of this blog entry that there are many different herbs and stones you can use which have Protection, Negative Repel and Banish properties and the same with essential oils.  Also you could look more into the Elder Futhark runes or other runes and symbols such as The Vegvisir which I believe in Norse Mythology is used for guidance (as in travel) and protection.  Similarly Sigils can be created for protection, repel of evil or negativity or bad entities etc and even to banish bad emotions, fears, anxieties etc..

Before we continue I guess I should clear a few misconceptions about magick and the best way for me to do that is to explain it though my beliefs.  Which are that there’s no Hollywood magic..  Sorry but you’re not going to wave your wand and turn you rat into a teacup, a pumpkin into a carriage or magically make something appear in the physical form – Side note, no you do not NEED a wand to do magick!!  The magick we are talking about here is based on your intentions, your energies and the way I see it working is that you’re putting your energies and desires out there into the world, nay into the universe and possibly even into other realms, dimensions and planes of existence..  You’re workings are working towards a goal and setting intentions for you to then carry out.  For me if I have a stone in my pocket to aid me with anxieties that stone is there as a reminder that I am strong enough to get through this event and it’s not some other dimension portal thing that’s going to magically suck all the anxieties away..  I don’t feel that by burning sage you’re going to purify anything but I do feel by burning sage and BELIEVING in it and not doubting and putting your positive energies into doing this activity of burning sage and putting your request physically out there that things happen more so when you work towards it and believe.  I don’t believe by just burning a candle, hanging something over a door or having a statue is in and of itself going to do the magickal deed.  I do however believe that by doing the act of burning a candle or seeing items over and over again or even (as mentioned in my sigial blog) how when you’ve had an item in one place so long it blends in and becomes part of your home and part of your furniture that you don’t really see it any more and then it becomes a part of your subconcience and you notice it without noticing it (I’m hoping you know what I mean as that’s difficult to explain) and then that subconscious part is the part that does the magick it’s the part that creates dajavu that makes you think of other things and can associate two unrelated things (which most call coincidence) which we say is fate.  There’s a very fine line for me where I struggle with the wanting to believe and the doubt.  I struggle with “‘if I can’t see it then it’s not real” yet I expect people to believe me when I say I have fibromyalgia and I’m in terrible pain – pain can’t be seen.. doesn’t make it not real?  So there for if I believe in pain which can’t be seen which is caused by the chemical reaction in the brain and not physical damage or issue then why can’t I believe in magick?  Deity?  Fate?  Spells?  I diverse..  For me I feel doubt or disbelief is why people feel that magick doesn’t work for them..  Much like keep telling yourself you’re going to fail that test.. You will.  You’re not going to get a job.. You won’t.  No one likes you.. They won’t.  Try being more optimistic, more positive and believe even in the impossible and that’s when the magick starts..

So now I’ve waffled for a bit, you still here?  Good!!

So let’s look at the topic shall we first what do I mean by Protection, Repel, Banish?  So protection comes in many forms..  Protection for yourself, your friend, lover, partner, children, your family, home, pet, car, school, place of worship…..  And I don’t mean armed bodyguards, bars on the windows and a can of mace/pepper spray at the ready.  I’m talking about that unexplained other world magickal kind of protection.  That which makes you feel like a near death experience you were touched by an angel, the hand of god, fate, luck…..  That feeling that someone is watching over you and protecting you..  That wanting for God to protect or some divine intervention to happen to keep you, your loved ones and the things you love safe and sound and filled with positivity and happiness.  Same with Repel and Banish.. 

These three are some of the very basic beginner things, so easy to do yet so powerful.  As mentioned before we can use candles, stones, herbs, oils, a mixture of the above…  We can also pray, write our intentions on paper and burn it, give offerings to the divine in exchange for our request..  And it’s not just our culture / religion / faith that does this..  Where is the line between religions such as Christianity that pray to God for the safety of their children, Muslims who give offering in thanks for the safety of their children, Pagans who light candles and send out their intentions for the safety of their children..  I can continue.   

It doesn’t have to be complicated.  You don’t need to go sacrifice your first born (in fact I beg of you please don’t do that!!)   It can be simple things like when you make a cup of tea or coffee stirring clockwise to bring or anti-clockwise to remove or place your hands over the mug and think of your desire request it be grateful for what you have say some words - this is very similar to blessing!  Some people do this with the water they bath in to bring positivity by day and wash away negativity by night.  Perhaps try holding your hands over the water and asking for the negative energies of your day to be washed away.  Perhaps try adding sea salt for purification (or any salt, even Epsom salt) perhaps try adding this to a bath again blessing the water and asking for the negative energies to be washed away.  Salt carries water element properties as well as purification properties; Epsom salt is also really good for physical body relaxation and healing!!  (If you’re like me you can’t get in a bath..  make your own shower salt scrub perhaps use oils or herbs and put your intentions into the scrub for its purpose to aid purify you and remove negative energies!!) you could also add herbs or essential oils that have the properties you desire. 
You could also try some more traditional witchy tips like..
  • Hanging a besom (broom) above your door to ward away evil.
  • Burying iron coffin nails under your porch steps to keep your property from harm.. 
    - Iron is known for warding off evil entities and energies. So by simply having them around can protect you..  I know people who also wear them in jewellery during ritual.  Coffin nails can also be used in curses and more “bad / dark” magick workings so be careful how you use them.
  • The use of Salt placing it on your window sills, or any entry way to your home, gives protection so spirits and entities cannot cross over - unless invited by you (this is why circles are often cast with a ring of salt protection).  – This is also a good one for keeping out slugs, a few other creepy crawlies and is great against damp and mould!
  • Add a bell or chime over your main entrance door so when it rings it will scare evil spirits away and keep them from entering your home.  Bells also clear vibrations and a lot of people use them to start and end rituals and workings especially those where you’re calling upon a spirit.
  • Witches ball - take a clear ball (typically glass but plastic will work) and put in various ingredients to make a protective witches ball, inc some string inside and hang it in your window so spirits will be attracted to the shiny object but get tangled in the strings and not able to enter your home.  Alternatively a bright colourful ball will attract and entrap or act like a scarecrow.
  • Dreamcatchers hang one in your bedroom window by night it catches all the negative energies inc negative and bad dreams and then when the sun rises in the morning it kills anything caught in the dreamcatchers web.  – I’m actually very into dream catchers.  Their history with the spider lady and her children origin is a little creepy but one I enjoy.
  • Hang a hideous looking witch or more traditional looking witch (kitchen witch) in your kitchen / kitchen window to ward away negative energies and show that this home (kitchen being the heart of the home) is protected. 
  • Create a witches ladder of protection and hang it above your altar. 
  • Use smudge sticks of sage and smudge your home to clear away negativity alternative you can create an essential oil and water blend in a spray bottle if you're not allowed to set fire to herbs in your home.  You can also include sage essential oil in your homemade cleaning recipes. - As seen here use these natural cleaners with essential oils.  Note.  Be mindful of what essential oils you use as some are not safe for pets, some are not safe for various furnitures and some may react with the products and create unpleasant smells.

There are many many many simple things you can do which will have great effect.  You do however need to remember a few things first of all even if you don’t believe in the threefold law (everything you do good or bad comes back on you three times more) or Karma still only do things with the right and true intentions.  Be careful what you do, it’s similar to be careful what you wish for and as Rumpelstiltskin says “all magic comes with a price, dearie!”

So where do we find such spells, rituals, workings etc..?  Well there’s so many books out there and so many websites (though be careful with websites!) and they’re so so so easy to write yourself – it doesn’t have to rhyme, it doesn’t have to be long, it doesn’t have to be complicated.  A good rule would be not to ask someone for a spell, ritual or working.  Often people put themselves into it making it personal and asking is offensive, and shows how lazy you are!!  It doesn’t paint you in a good light especially if you’re trying to claim you’ve been a Witch/Pagan for more than a week!  Plus stealing other peoples work..  copying other peoples work..  and it may not always work!!  But I would advise books..  One book I like particular is The Elemental Encyclopaedia of 20,000 Spells (or the cheaper version 5,000 Spells but if you have the 20,000 don’t get the 5,000 it already has them!).  Which I like to take the spells write them down and then adapt them and add too and change and make them my own and make them personal sometimes it will be a one off thing I do.  Others I’ll write the recipe down in my working book and then if it works I’ll copy it to my Book of Shadows which over time may be added, changed and recreated many times over.  YouTube is also a great resource with YouTubers such as Molly Roberts -HerSpeakKelly-Ann MaddoxAdam BalanJoey MorrisTipToeChickTarot Tribe Beyond WorldsLadyGraveDancerEarthly AlchemyRaven FlowerOwlvine GreenJoanna DeVoeDragonFeather369AmethystErick Silvermoon and CircleofHeka just to name a few..  Love Simple banishing spell with 3 limes by YouTuber CircleofHeka


  • Research more Protection, Repel, Banish workings / spells / rituals.  
  • (Optional) Write one.. 
  • (Optional) Practice one.. 

Book Activity..

  • (Optional) Copy down any information from above you think you will find useful.

Interact with me Activity..

  • (Optional) Feel free to share your experience with the group and/or me..
  • (Optional) on the Fb Page feel free to add any information you deem worthy..  


    Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.15 - Amulets, Talismans & Charms

Sunday, 18 February 2018

BoS Prompts 13: Spirit guides / animals & totem animals & Familiars

TThere's now a dedicated facebook page to support these blog posts @

Thank you all for the support.  I've now made a dedicated facebook page so if you go there turn on all notifications you won't miss these blog posts!! 

Prompt 13. Sunday 18th February 2018 - The 13th prompt will be...  
Spirit guides / animals & totem animals & Familiars

Another one completely open to your own interpretation and beliefs.  I'm going to try and cover some basics, study prompts and personal thoughts here but these banded subjects are a whole library of study on their own.  I'm simply banding these subjects together; while different they often get mistaken and confused for each other.


Since these blogs are mostly aimed at a Witchy / Pagan point of view perhaps we will start with ‘The Familiar’ also more commonly known as ‘The Witches Familiar’ and is most stereotypically pictured as a black cat.  First let me say that The Familiar (Cat) doesn’t have to be black, nor does it even have to be a cat!!  So the Familiar is an Animal known as the third type of Animal Spirit (the first being Spirit Animals and the second being Animal Totem Spirits – which we will get to in a moment).  Familiars, like the other two mentioned, are known more commonly from their association with Witchcraft but also with Shamanism.  
One take on The Familiar is that it is said to be a spiritual entity that will communicate via human, animal and spirit realms and often takes the form of an animal which is sent by deity as a mentor / guide when a true shaman and/or witch begins their path (as a shaman and/or witch). – This is not to be confused with Spirit Animals.  Or that we perceive Deity that will appear as an animal to guide ua such as the Goddess 'The Morrigan' who will appear is Raven or Crow form and only after the Witch / Shaman has been initiated may the Deity actually reveal their true self/form.  
The other take is rather similar in that this Familiar does have to choose you and not you choosing it!!  And be able to communicate between realms and take animal form. Often these Familiars will lend themselves throughout ritual or other workings and practices.  They act as a tool, as well as a guide, they will lend their energies and also aid between realm communications.  
– Feel free to look deeper into this and form your own opinions.  For me I have 2 grey cats.. one is a pet and the other a familiar in the later form being that I chose her but he chose me..  And he is like my shadow and always needs to be involved with everything I do magickally.  Even as I write this blog he's curled up on my legs.

- Please note I am not saying that without a familiar you're not a Witch and/or Shaman.

Spirit Guides & Animals.

Spirit Guides & Spirit Animals are deeply associated with Shaman practices.  Spirit Animals and Spirit Guides present themselves when a life lesson is to be learnt although they are not the same thing.  

Spirit Guides can appear in human, animal or other forms of beings.  They’re purpose is to guide you in your choices and your journey through your decisions and actions to help you find your path and keep you heading in the right direction.  

Whereas Spirit Animals each have their own specific values and characteristics, meanings, skills, associations and unique skill sets.  The Spirit Animal will show itself not just to guide you in your life and ultimately on your (spiritual) journey but these Spirit Animals, unlike Spirit Guides, don’t always appear to guide us though as sometimes they are a symbolic and appear to teach a lesson, give a reminder, show us characteristics needed or to challenge you on your (spirit) walk to even do the opposite of guiding to test you!!  Each is to be interpreted as you deem relevant to you at that time but always with a valuable lesson to be learnt.  Spirit Animals can be almost any animal you can think of each has certain abilities, powers and skill sets in order to teach and share the knowledge and wisdom for overcoming the many challenges.  The Spirit Animal’s appearance is a signal that it is now an important time to connect with your true self, your inner self and indeed your life’s purpose.   But how to know what your Spirit Animal is?  Simple..  Pay attention to the repeated appearance of a suspected animal and for any repeated patterns or themes.  For example every time you feel down you see a tiger this could be a connection for you to help you overcome those emotions and progress.  Note there are many ways in which your Spirit Animal(s) may make themselves known to you this could be through images such as photo, video, paintings, sculptures etc of this animal is also accepted forms of appearance not just in dreams or the literal animal in front of you.  Awakening this recognition is the start of accepting this Spirit Animal and learning about the lessons and skills in store.  Though it is also imperative not to push and look for this animal as it’s more what sceptics call 'coincidence'..  Likewise you do not choose your Spirit Animal, it chooses you!!   Do not try to force your Spirit Animal to manifest itself just because you want it to.  True Spirit Animals will appear only at the correct time and place when you are ready. 

– Feel free to look into this more, also look into Spirit Walks.

Totem Animals & Totem Poles.

A Totem Animal however is the Animals Spirit that you call upon (or invoke) to ask it lends its special powers, survival skills and characteristics to you.  There’s a number of more commonly associated Totem Animals like the Wolf, Bear, Eagle, Monkey and Shark but to name a few..  Totem Animals (and Poles) are also Shamanic in their origins but most commonly associated with Native American Tribes (or smaller groups known as Clans).  Though Totem Animals are more commonly associated with these Clans/Tribes but also called upon by the individual.  Totem Animals are often those native to the inhabited Clan/Tribe land.  Totem Animals are also seen as great guardians and protectors and for this reason carvings of these animals faces stacked tall one on top of the other, known as a Totem Pole, is used to ward away unwanted beings, spirits, enemies and are a sign of protection and some may also denote the Tribe/Clan claim to the land.  Each of these Totem Animals has spiritual powers that help each clan to carry out its own special duties and responsibilities within the tribe in accordance with the attributes of that totem.  Often Tribes would be associated as one (or more) type of animal and then each clan within that tribe would have a more specific subspecies.  

Totem Poles, as mentioned the stacked tower of carved animals, are symbols representing Animal Totems handed down through the ancestral generations.  They’re also seen as a form of written demotion since way back when we didn’t have writing or a written language as such so symbolism (imagery) was one of the main ways in which information was passed down throughout the generations.  These carved animal faces in the Totem Pole not only marked the land and of course payed great honour to the Totem Animals but was the only form of story handed down over the generations  of Native Americans thus the Totem Poles were also known as Story Poles and used to convey their legends, stories and events.  Totem Poles may also be messages passed on by those who carve them or the story of the clan amd/or tribe.

– In all honesty there's probably an awful lot more to Totem Animals & Totem Poles / Story Poles but I've only learnt very basics as I don't personally feel like this is something I am connected too.  Unlike the Spirit Animals / Guides and Familiars.


  • Research more on the five topics..
    1. Familiars
    2. Spirit Guides
    3. Spirit Animals
    4. Totem Animals
    5. Totem Poles
  • (Optional) Fun activity write down 5 animals and for each of those write down what you think their top 5 attributes, skills and abilities are.  Then go research those 5 animals and see how accurate you were.  - Make it more fun and go for more obscure animals..

Book Activity..

  • (Optional) Copy down any information from above you think you will find useful.
  • (Optional) Journal about what you think of each of these.
  • (Optional) If you have a familiar why not include a picture or drawing of it and journal about it - perhaps include some examples.
  • (Optional) If you have a Spirit Guide, Spirit Animal, Totem Animal - or more than one perhaps journal about that and/or include pictures.  Perhaps if you're ancestors are Clan/Tribal you might even have a Totem passed down to you.

Interact with me Activity..


Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.14 - Protection, Repel, Banish - Oh yes I thought it might be time we do some hands on practical magick!!

Sunday, 11 February 2018

BoS Prompts 12: Runes, Symbols, Sigils & Cyphers +Alphabet

There's now a dedicated facebook page to support these blog posts @

Thank you all for the support.  I've now made a dedicated facebook page so if you go there turn on all notifications you won't miss these blog posts!! 

Prompt 12. Sunday 11th February 2018 - The 12th prompt will be...  
Runes, Symbols, Sigils & Cyphers +Alphabet

There are many different types and kinds of Runes, Symbols, Sigils, Cyphers and such..  Some use ancient alphabet, alphabet of different languages and cultures, some are symbolism, some are words, some are something all of their own entirely.   - In this blog I’m going to try and give you some food for thought so you can go and learn for yourselves..

Basics by Google Dictionary.

What are Runes?
A letter of an ancient Germanic alphabet, related to the Roman alphabet.
What are Symbols?
1.  a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process, e.g. the letter or letters standing for a chemical element or a character in musical notation.synonyms: sign, character, mark, letter, hieroglyph, ideogram
2. a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.synonyms: emblem, token, sign, representation, figure, image, type; More
What are Sigils?
an inscribed or painted symbol considered to have magical power.a seal.a sign or symbol.
What are Cyphers?
a secret or disguised way of writing; a code.

Symbols & Sigils.

Symbolism is everything and it's everywhere it's in icons, apps, logos, branding, packaging, signs and so much more.  Symbols are often used in place of words and sentences to quickly give information.  It's like they say "a picture is worth a thousand words" well maybe not a thousand but the warning falling rocks sign is much more easier to read than the text "Warning falling rocks ahead!" don't you think?!!  So like I said it's everywhere and everything..  I touched more on Symbolism in this blog I wrote a while back about two kinds of Sigils.  - Which if you're interested in Sigils I recommend you check out and learn about as said I only wrote about two (more commonly used) kinds.

I wanted to touch based a bit more on symbolism looked at from a Witchy / Pagan aspect and I know I mentioned symbolism when talking about The 3rd prompt...  Pentacle  / Pentagram meaning & The 4 Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. As we mentioned the Pentacle and Pentagram, also the 4 Elements.  I also touched on symbolism in The 4th prompt...  Tree of Life / Grounding Meditation / Whiteroom /Prayer and also in The 8th prompt...  Zodiac along with a few others..  But here's some other 'Witchy' symbols to learn and study about maybe..  or at least get you started!!

Sadly outside of Tumblr and Pinterest I can't find a source for this image
(please if you know let me know so I may properly credit thank you!)
Image Source =


Cyphers are still very commonly used between people of power, great importance or simply teens..  Yes almost anyone and everyone will at some point have created or used a secret 'code', 'hidden message' or other kind of encryption.  - It's even in our phones, images we use, software..  Cyphers otherwise known as codes or in cryptography a cipher / cypher is an algorithm of data used for performing encryption or decryption.  This is usually follows a pattern or a well designed series of steps that can be followed to unlock / lock..  Track, be a digital thumbprint, reveal or keep secrets and other kinds the coded messages or information. 


What are Elder Futhark Runes?
Elder Futhark runes are a set of 24 (sometimes 25) runic alphabet symbols.  The Elder Futhark (also called Elder Fupark, Older Futhark, Old Futhark or Germanic Futhark) dates back to anywhere from the 2nd to 8th centuries!!  It is known to be the oldest form of the runic alphabet.   The runic alphabet itself was a form of writing used by the Germanic Tribes for Northwest Germanic dialects in the Migration Period (2nd – 8th C).  These runic alphabet symbols / runes would have been carved into bone, wood, stones and various other materials such as clay and metal.  These runes each were said to hold a value and a meaning as well as later being used as part of an alphabet.  These runic alphabet / runes were often inscriptions (and are found upon artefacts still to this day) including weapons, armour, jewellery especially amulets and talismans, tools, other item and of course rune stones/runes themselves.  From the 8th Century these runes were highly associated with a more simplified version (known as Younger Futhark) adapted by the Anglo-Saxons and Frisian in the 8th but for now we're just going to focus on the Elder Futhark but please feel free to study at your leisure!

Runes were used for a great many things (as we will cover in symbolism).  An example:  The symbol of an up pointing arrow is runic alphabet symbol is called teiwaz and was the symbol of the god Tyr.  (And later represented the letter t or T) this runic symbol was engraved into warriors chest, chest armour, right hand and even weaponry before battle to give them the strength and abilities of the god Tyr and not forget what he stood for - for the Norse God Tyr is the ancient god of War and said to have been the bravest as it was he who sacrificed his own right hand to show strength of human sacrifice.  Tyr was once said to be the great leader of the Norse Pantheon, much later to be supplanted by Odin.  (Feel free to look into Norse Pantheon and such).

Other uses for these runes or what they are used for more commonly today we’re still engraving the symbols into jewellery and such but much less common that way back when and it’s more a niche market.  These days’ runes are more commonly used as casting stones.  There are multiple different types made from varying materials too from semi-precious stone, wood, bone, ceramic and so on.  Casting stones can also be used in a variety of ways most common I believe to be (or at lease how I use them) a circle is drawn upon the ground and the stones are drawn from a bag and thrown to the ground while asking your question.  Stones outside are not counted and face down are reversed meanings and the direction the stones are facing, groups of stones together / near each other and such can be read too.  This is just one way of casting and reading stones which people interoperated this in a variety of ways.  They can also be read for their symbolic meaning or alphabetical (similar to how you might use spirit dice to form words!)

Elder Futhark runes are a great traditional source of divination.  If you wish to learn the stones and their meanings YouTuber Tarot Tribe Beyond Worlds has a great set of learning the Rune meanings by making your own flash card prompts and rememberable ways of learning them.  Video 1  /  Video 2Video 3Video 4  /  Video 5 she also has a video on Casting Runes.

As said there's 24 runestones but sometimes a 25th is included in the set which is a blank stone meaning unable to answer, unknown, blank,  nothing, not yet determined etc.

Elder Futhark Runes look as follows:
Image source =
Runes / Runic Alphabet is also used for other things, that can also be combined to create more powerful combination rune or bind rune which I believe there are two types of bind rune but please do some research for yourselves on this subject.

What are Witches Runes?
Moving on from Futhark the other more common to use set of runes will be those known as the Witches Runes.  They don't date back anywhere near to even Younger Futhark but they have a similar purpose.  Now while there's only 13 of these they're not the same as the Witches Alphabet.  13 symbols again carved / engraved into wood, bone, stone etc..  and cast in a same/similar ways and read in similar ways too.  In honesty Witches Runes is something I've learnt a bit about but not practiced.

Witches Runes look as follows:
Image source =

I hope that has given you a small insight to runes, what they are and of course how to learn and use them.  I hope this gives you food for thought and that you go do further research and learn this wonderfun Divination tool.

And for anyone curious while Witches Alphabet is nothing to do with runes but often used in making Sigils so I thought I would show you here..
Image source =


  • Follow up on the paths where I left off.  Read the other blog posts I suggested.  Study more.  Don't just stop at the materials and prompts I gave you here in this blog.  Take it further and learn more.  
  • (Optional) Perhaps even have a go at making your own Sigils, Cyphers, Runes and such forth.

Book Activity..

  • (Optional) Copy down any information from above you think you will find useful.  Even if it's just some basic symbolism, a page or two for for Elder Futhark Runes, Witches Runes or other kinds of Runes. 

Interact with me Activity..


Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.13 - Spirit guides / animals & totem animals & Familiars

Sunday, 4 February 2018

BoS Prompts 11: Intuitive, Empath & Clairs.

There's now a dedicated facebook page to support these blog posts @

Thank you all for the support.  I've now made a dedicated facebook page so if you go there turn on all notifications you won't miss these blog posts!! 

Prompt 11. Sunday 4th February 2018 - The 11th prompt will be...  Intuitive, Empath & Clairs.

This week is another open to your interpretation, your beliefs and such forth.  We will be ‘slightly’ delving into the psychic world and touching on some of the basic aspects of what makes a psychic, medium or just intuitive etc.

For most people will say everyone has intuition.  They will tell you that psychic abilities such as 'The Clairs' is a load of old codswallop and that these people are fakes, phonies, swindlers and such - while sometimes that is true and conmen/women like to extort people.  I ask of you to not be ignorant and be open to other peoples beliefs and/or at least the concept of possibility.


So let us start with intuition and what makes us intuitive.  Now this is the one aspect which no one no matter who they are can deny that everyone has this “ability”.  Intuition or being intuitive is a phenomenon that you just can’t explain where you just ‘know’.  It’s that instinct, gut feeling, little voice in the back of your head.  It displays itself in various forms of emotions; such as that ‘I know he is cheating on me, I don’t need proof, I just know!’ to ‘I know she will be mad if I do this’ right on through to ‘I can’t shake something is wrong, but I don’t know what’ and the list of course continues with possibilities of intuition.  There’s also that intuition fear intuition and even anxieties can partly be linked with irrational fear intuition.
There for in magick and similar workings or practices being intuitive is the easiest form of psychic ability as more or less everyone has it.  Most witchy types (and I only say this as these BoS prompts are more focused on a Witchy / Pagan aspect) will find that their intuition is heightened.  This is also affected by ‘the Clairs’ and other similar psychic based forms.  If you’re looking to increase your divination skills and psychic abilities etc..  Starting by looking more into your intuition; how and why would be a fantastic starting point for you in my opinion!

The Clairs

 Speaking of ‘the Clairs’ what on earth are they?  - The Clairs, also known as Clair Senses, are 7 forms of psychic abilities these are based on the six senses being heightened to be able to receive or interact on a higher frequency such wich is often what is used when “communicating with the dead”.  While, to my knowledge, there's no scientific evidence this actually happens countless accounts of unexplainable events of people ‘knowing’ things they just couldn’t possibly know.  Such as complete strangers knowing everything about someones deceased dad now either they’ve really really really done their homework or there’s something else happening.  Some people may need to be in an altered state or an alpha state to be able to interact with these abilities such as meditation or sleeping while others receive information from these abilities without warning while being ‘normal’ or awake and lucid.  The Clairs are also beyond what we can explain or perceive in scientifically explain in our relative time and space.

But let’s look a little more into what each type of Clair is, what it’s called and a little more about it.

Clairvoyance (vision)

Well let’s start with Clairvoyance since this is probably the most heard of aspect.  Being Clairvoyant (having Clairvoyance ability) is to see more than everyone else.  Many Clairvoyant people receive visual information based on past, present and/or future and in a variety of circumstances and ways.  This can be done in a multitude of different ways from a literal higher vibrational frequency to be able to literally see more: into another realm, into the void, into other dimensions, into other states of time, into or beyond the veil etc..  Or it can be the gift of “inner sight” (more common) this is usually what people say is being perceived by “the mind’s eye” to form images or symbols mentally without the aid of physical eyes which is beyond what we can comprehend or explain currently due to our limitations of scientific explanation. 

Clairaudience (audio /hearing)

Clairaudience much like Clairvoyance only instead of visual its audial hearing sense which is the ability to hear on that higher frequency we mentioned.  This can be sound, words or unexplainable extrasensory noise.  It is what’s known as the gift of "inner ear".   There are some people who can literally pick up radio frequency in their heads, but I’m unsure that relates to Clairaudient people..  Clairaudient people can pick up this audio from sources beyond the physical here and now or mental tone which are then perceived without the aid of the physical ear hearing.

Clairsentience (sensation or feeling)

Clairsentients have the ability to perceive information by a "feeling" this is not to be confused with intuition.  Clairsentience is often more like the sense of emotion and can be experienced within the whole body, without any outer stimuli related to the feeling or information. (Also see clairempathy)

Clairscent (smelling)

Clairscent people have the ability to smell a fragrance/odour/smell of a substance when it isn’t around.  This is similar to having a memory and being able to smell a scent such as the way someone smelled, or flowers in a certain field without the scent being present only again this works on a higher frequency vibration to enable Clairscent. These smalls are perceived without the aid of the physical nose.

Clairtangency (touching)

Clairtangency, which is more commonly known as psychometry, is the ability to touch an object or an area and perceive through the palms of one's hands information about the article or its owner or history that was not previously known by the Clairtangent people.   This is similar and has associations with Clairvoyance but is specific in that the person needs to be holding/touching something to form a connection.

Clairgustance (tasting)

Clairgustance is the ability to taste a substance without anything being in or around your mouth.  It is similar to Clairscent but only tasting not smelling.   It is one of the more rarer Clairs but it’s said that people who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.

Clairempathy (emotion)

Clairempathy is being able to connect emotionally or connecting to their energy.  It’s also known has being an Empath or having Empathic abilities (I’ll detail more about this in a moment).  Being an Empath / Clairempathy is being able to psychically tune into other peoples, animals and/or beings emotions and/or emotional experiences. Clairempathy is a type of telepathy to sense or feel within one's self, the attitude, emotion of another person or being. Empaths tune into the vibrations and "feel" the tones of the aura.  As said I will talk more about it further down in this blog.

Clair channel / Channelling

There are also others who have one or more of these abilities or none at all which are able to act as a conduit (sort of a conductor) for other people known as ‘Clair Channelling’ which is a person who allows their body to be used to increase the frequency or as a conductor.  I guess the best way I can make you understand this is similar to when a group of people sit in a circle holding hands and ask that an entity speaks or communicates through one of the group members.   

Clair Channel is a person who allows themselves to be used to bring information or healing energies to others. 


As mentioned Clairempathy (clear emotion) is being able to connect to other peoples, animals, or beings emotions or on an emotional level.  It is more commonly known as being an Empath, having Empathic abilities.  Since this is what I’m afflicted with (oh yes we don’t all see The Clairs as blessings and gifts) I wanted to talk about this more specifically and also how it can affect people, while I don’t (to my knowledge) experience any of the other Clairs on a frequent basis to say I have them.  I have always seen things, things which now I would possibly consider more as 'entities' than Clairvoyance but this is very rare I've had maybe 5 experiences and I'm 29 and sometimes I dream things that then happen or similar happens and I do get deja vu often.  Occasionally I smell things which make me think of past memories but I wouldn't say I'm Clairscent either.

Being an empath can cause you to be affected by other people’s energies and emotions.  Even adoption those moods, emotions and energies ourselves for example:  You’re happy and had a lovely day out and in a reasonably good mood, you come home and you can sense that your parents have been fighting they’re not talking to each other but you can feel the anger, the bitterness, the resentment.  Now by looking at your parents one is watching TV and the other reading a book and to anyone else this would seem like a normal situation but to an Empath you can feel the emotions being pushed upon you and even stat feeling in a foul mood, angry and bitter yourself for no other reason than these are strong emotions taking over your own so you perceive and feel their energies and emotions yourself.  – For me this is one reason why I avoid busy places, or going out (alongside my disabilities, illnesses and anxieties).  This makes Empaths sort of introverts.  Sadly the major downside is a lot of Empaths don't understand and try to block out these feelings and emotions and so turn to escapes such as addictions to try and block out these unwanted emotions such as having addictions to alcohol, drugs or even sex.

I mentioned before we like to be alone, introverts.  But while introvert implies we like to stay indoors we actually just prefer the peace and quiet it is also a connection to nature such as those silent woods or desolate calm beaches.  We have a high love for nature and also for animals.  We love our peace and quiet and go crazy if we don’t get our alone time – This is more present in children who may act out!  But we do love our adventures, freedom and it’s said that Empaths are free spirits. – This can also take its toll on us as we are not good at being bogged down with routine, rules and control as we find it boring and imprisoning.

Similarly to this we can also pick up phantom illnesses such as being around people who have flu we will feel all the symptoms and sickness without having any of the physical symptoms and/or sickness. Also it’s said that most Empaths have some kind of digestive disorders and/or lower back problems which can relate to the Solar Plexus Chakra (as it’s based in the centre of the abdomen and is known to be the Chakra of emotions).  Evidently this can also manifest into physical symptoms causing a weakening of the area, stomach ulcers, IBS and more actual illnesses (Yes your doctor can treat these ailments, but please don’t tell them you’re an Empath so you must have this, this and this wrong with you... For sure he will lock you up and throw away the key.. Ya loony! ;) lol!).  Speaking of health it’s said that Empaths are usually chubbier people as it’s believed that excess weight acts as a barrier to people’s negative emotions it can make it difficult to lose weight even if we’re not overeaters!! 

Empaths have that higher intuition of just knowing stuff without being told but it’s more than that and this can be attuned and worked with.  We even have the ability to be a human lie detector oh yes we know all about dishonesty more so than just that intuition or common sense.  We strive for truth, honesty and justice.  We also have a sever intolerance to narcissism yet we typically attract narcissistic people it’s like we’re a magnet and they’re just drawn to us.  Often we find ourselves in relationships with these people which is unhealthy we feel we want to help them and fix them though often they’re too broken and damaged even though they can’t help it.

It is often said that watching violence, cruelty or tragedy even on TV is unbearable due to the emotions attached to it.  Thankfully this is one of the many Empath traits I’m not afflicted by when it comes to fantasy / TV I’m able to separate the acting and pretence away from realism.  That said I am deeply affected by real violence, cruelty or tragedy etc and even the concept of.  This trait of being an Empath also makes us very aware and weary of others and therefore we tend to mother and protect others more especially those who may be suffering with emotional pains.  Empaths are said to be natural healers and very drawn to holistic therapies and all things metaphysical.  This can often make us a sounding board, shoulder to cry on and that punching bag for people to offload their problems onto you (even strangers).  Unfortunately this again plays on that aspect of adopting other people’s emotions, ailments and such.  Thankfully on the bright side this can make us have more addictive personalities and make us well liked people. 

Empaths are also very open to having their energies sucked from them by Psychic Vampires (99% of which don’t even realise they’re doing it!)  Because of all this heightened energy and emotions it’s often said that Empaths are usually plagued with fatigue, and most have illnesses like (FM) Fibromyalgia (I do) or (ME) Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.  Some of us can even become Psychic Vampires (also known as Energy Vampires) desperately in need to suck energy from others.  Plus oddly Empaths are usually more night creatures anyway!

It’s not all bad I promise, Empaths are said to be very creative types and are often at the forefront of anything creative such as arts and crafts, performing arts like singing, dancing, acting or even written arts such as journalist, bloggers and other writers too.  We’re said to have strong and vivid imaginations.  Plus a lot of this is a positive outlet for those emotions not to mention the healing it can give.  We’re also great daydreamers though sadly we can get bored easily without these creative outlets so mundane tasks, school and work if they’re not beaming with creativity it will take its toll and most of us find it impossible to do things we don’t enjoy.  We also crave knowledge we hate not knowing and so a lot of us love to research, learn and even teach.

Usually Empaths have a slight sense of Clairtangency (touching) and while they can’t associate a second hand object with its former life in the same sense as Clairtangency they tend to avoid second hand items (even cars and houses if they can financially afford to do so!) due to the emotional baggage and energies they carry.  - Though for me (and blog prompt 2) I learnt and use the other 3 C’s of Cleanse, Consecrate and well Charge..  Maybe not so much the ‘charge’ aspect but definitely the cleanse and consecrate as I’m actually a second hand, antique, charity shop / thrift store JUNKIE!!

Empaths are usually Vegetarian or Vegan and/or will only eat free-range as they sense energies in food especially of animals.  – I’m not one of these types.  Sorry.

When I first started looking into Empaths and Clairempathy I was very shocked that about 95% of the Empath traits were things I had and couldn’t explain, my characteristics, my hobbies and interests, my personality, my beliefs and the more I learnt and started adapting myself and learning how to control this the more it works in my favour (usually).  Therefore I suggest to anyone who has or thinks they have one or more of the Clair gifts to harness, embrace, learn and develop.  Don’t fear.  Don’t ignore.  And don’t try to force things you haven’t got.. In my opinion it’s just not going to happen for you.

I’m hoping that this blog gave you a little insight into the psychic world.  Soon I’ll be covering more on Divination and you definitely don’t need to be Psychic or have any of the Clair abilities but it would definitely help!!!!!!

 Side note.  – Note they’re not a common gift and it’s not all that common for people to have multiple Clairs but it’s not unheard of.  Not having any of these gifts doesn't make you any less of a Witch / Pagan etc.  But it does make you a fraudster and a charleton if you claim you have something you don't / can do something you can't.


  • Just like Clairempathy each of the Clairs have a lot more attributes, traits and characteristics research them.
  • (Optional) in your own words on scrap paper, or in the Fb Group, write your thoughts and opinions, associations and your experiences with one or multiple of the Clairs. 
  • (Optional) research some ‘famous’ psychic mediums who (claim to) have one or more of the Clair trates.
  • (Optional) research Psychic/Energy Vampires.

Book Activity..

  • (Optional) Copy down any information from above you think you will find useful.  Ie The Clairs and a basic summary of each.  I know that Clairempathy (because I have it) is Emotional based and that Clairvoyance is seeing and that Clairaudience is hearing and the rest I struggle remember which one is which let alone spell them!!  So like me write them in your book?

Interact with me Activity..

  • Feel free to add any information you deem worthy, other forms of psychics.  How these affect your life and who you are, your thoughts (if you think it's a load of BS that's fine but please be respectful to other peoples!) Fb Page feel free to add any information you deem worthy..  


    Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.12 -  Runes, Symbols, Sigils & Cyphers +Alphabet