Sunday 4 February 2018

BoS Prompts 11: Intuitive, Empath & Clairs.

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Prompt 11. Sunday 4th February 2018 - The 11th prompt will be...  Intuitive, Empath & Clairs.

This week is another open to your interpretation, your beliefs and such forth.  We will be ‘slightly’ delving into the psychic world and touching on some of the basic aspects of what makes a psychic, medium or just intuitive etc.

For most people will say everyone has intuition.  They will tell you that psychic abilities such as 'The Clairs' is a load of old codswallop and that these people are fakes, phonies, swindlers and such - while sometimes that is true and conmen/women like to extort people.  I ask of you to not be ignorant and be open to other peoples beliefs and/or at least the concept of possibility.


So let us start with intuition and what makes us intuitive.  Now this is the one aspect which no one no matter who they are can deny that everyone has this “ability”.  Intuition or being intuitive is a phenomenon that you just can’t explain where you just ‘know’.  It’s that instinct, gut feeling, little voice in the back of your head.  It displays itself in various forms of emotions; such as that ‘I know he is cheating on me, I don’t need proof, I just know!’ to ‘I know she will be mad if I do this’ right on through to ‘I can’t shake something is wrong, but I don’t know what’ and the list of course continues with possibilities of intuition.  There’s also that intuition fear intuition and even anxieties can partly be linked with irrational fear intuition.
There for in magick and similar workings or practices being intuitive is the easiest form of psychic ability as more or less everyone has it.  Most witchy types (and I only say this as these BoS prompts are more focused on a Witchy / Pagan aspect) will find that their intuition is heightened.  This is also affected by ‘the Clairs’ and other similar psychic based forms.  If you’re looking to increase your divination skills and psychic abilities etc..  Starting by looking more into your intuition; how and why would be a fantastic starting point for you in my opinion!

The Clairs

 Speaking of ‘the Clairs’ what on earth are they?  - The Clairs, also known as Clair Senses, are 7 forms of psychic abilities these are based on the six senses being heightened to be able to receive or interact on a higher frequency such wich is often what is used when “communicating with the dead”.  While, to my knowledge, there's no scientific evidence this actually happens countless accounts of unexplainable events of people ‘knowing’ things they just couldn’t possibly know.  Such as complete strangers knowing everything about someones deceased dad now either they’ve really really really done their homework or there’s something else happening.  Some people may need to be in an altered state or an alpha state to be able to interact with these abilities such as meditation or sleeping while others receive information from these abilities without warning while being ‘normal’ or awake and lucid.  The Clairs are also beyond what we can explain or perceive in scientifically explain in our relative time and space.

But let’s look a little more into what each type of Clair is, what it’s called and a little more about it.

Clairvoyance (vision)

Well let’s start with Clairvoyance since this is probably the most heard of aspect.  Being Clairvoyant (having Clairvoyance ability) is to see more than everyone else.  Many Clairvoyant people receive visual information based on past, present and/or future and in a variety of circumstances and ways.  This can be done in a multitude of different ways from a literal higher vibrational frequency to be able to literally see more: into another realm, into the void, into other dimensions, into other states of time, into or beyond the veil etc..  Or it can be the gift of “inner sight” (more common) this is usually what people say is being perceived by “the mind’s eye” to form images or symbols mentally without the aid of physical eyes which is beyond what we can comprehend or explain currently due to our limitations of scientific explanation. 

Clairaudience (audio /hearing)

Clairaudience much like Clairvoyance only instead of visual its audial hearing sense which is the ability to hear on that higher frequency we mentioned.  This can be sound, words or unexplainable extrasensory noise.  It is what’s known as the gift of "inner ear".   There are some people who can literally pick up radio frequency in their heads, but I’m unsure that relates to Clairaudient people..  Clairaudient people can pick up this audio from sources beyond the physical here and now or mental tone which are then perceived without the aid of the physical ear hearing.

Clairsentience (sensation or feeling)

Clairsentients have the ability to perceive information by a "feeling" this is not to be confused with intuition.  Clairsentience is often more like the sense of emotion and can be experienced within the whole body, without any outer stimuli related to the feeling or information. (Also see clairempathy)

Clairscent (smelling)

Clairscent people have the ability to smell a fragrance/odour/smell of a substance when it isn’t around.  This is similar to having a memory and being able to smell a scent such as the way someone smelled, or flowers in a certain field without the scent being present only again this works on a higher frequency vibration to enable Clairscent. These smalls are perceived without the aid of the physical nose.

Clairtangency (touching)

Clairtangency, which is more commonly known as psychometry, is the ability to touch an object or an area and perceive through the palms of one's hands information about the article or its owner or history that was not previously known by the Clairtangent people.   This is similar and has associations with Clairvoyance but is specific in that the person needs to be holding/touching something to form a connection.

Clairgustance (tasting)

Clairgustance is the ability to taste a substance without anything being in or around your mouth.  It is similar to Clairscent but only tasting not smelling.   It is one of the more rarer Clairs but it’s said that people who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.

Clairempathy (emotion)

Clairempathy is being able to connect emotionally or connecting to their energy.  It’s also known has being an Empath or having Empathic abilities (I’ll detail more about this in a moment).  Being an Empath / Clairempathy is being able to psychically tune into other peoples, animals and/or beings emotions and/or emotional experiences. Clairempathy is a type of telepathy to sense or feel within one's self, the attitude, emotion of another person or being. Empaths tune into the vibrations and "feel" the tones of the aura.  As said I will talk more about it further down in this blog.

Clair channel / Channelling

There are also others who have one or more of these abilities or none at all which are able to act as a conduit (sort of a conductor) for other people known as ‘Clair Channelling’ which is a person who allows their body to be used to increase the frequency or as a conductor.  I guess the best way I can make you understand this is similar to when a group of people sit in a circle holding hands and ask that an entity speaks or communicates through one of the group members.   

Clair Channel is a person who allows themselves to be used to bring information or healing energies to others. 


As mentioned Clairempathy (clear emotion) is being able to connect to other peoples, animals, or beings emotions or on an emotional level.  It is more commonly known as being an Empath, having Empathic abilities.  Since this is what I’m afflicted with (oh yes we don’t all see The Clairs as blessings and gifts) I wanted to talk about this more specifically and also how it can affect people, while I don’t (to my knowledge) experience any of the other Clairs on a frequent basis to say I have them.  I have always seen things, things which now I would possibly consider more as 'entities' than Clairvoyance but this is very rare I've had maybe 5 experiences and I'm 29 and sometimes I dream things that then happen or similar happens and I do get deja vu often.  Occasionally I smell things which make me think of past memories but I wouldn't say I'm Clairscent either.

Being an empath can cause you to be affected by other people’s energies and emotions.  Even adoption those moods, emotions and energies ourselves for example:  You’re happy and had a lovely day out and in a reasonably good mood, you come home and you can sense that your parents have been fighting they’re not talking to each other but you can feel the anger, the bitterness, the resentment.  Now by looking at your parents one is watching TV and the other reading a book and to anyone else this would seem like a normal situation but to an Empath you can feel the emotions being pushed upon you and even stat feeling in a foul mood, angry and bitter yourself for no other reason than these are strong emotions taking over your own so you perceive and feel their energies and emotions yourself.  – For me this is one reason why I avoid busy places, or going out (alongside my disabilities, illnesses and anxieties).  This makes Empaths sort of introverts.  Sadly the major downside is a lot of Empaths don't understand and try to block out these feelings and emotions and so turn to escapes such as addictions to try and block out these unwanted emotions such as having addictions to alcohol, drugs or even sex.

I mentioned before we like to be alone, introverts.  But while introvert implies we like to stay indoors we actually just prefer the peace and quiet it is also a connection to nature such as those silent woods or desolate calm beaches.  We have a high love for nature and also for animals.  We love our peace and quiet and go crazy if we don’t get our alone time – This is more present in children who may act out!  But we do love our adventures, freedom and it’s said that Empaths are free spirits. – This can also take its toll on us as we are not good at being bogged down with routine, rules and control as we find it boring and imprisoning.

Similarly to this we can also pick up phantom illnesses such as being around people who have flu we will feel all the symptoms and sickness without having any of the physical symptoms and/or sickness. Also it’s said that most Empaths have some kind of digestive disorders and/or lower back problems which can relate to the Solar Plexus Chakra (as it’s based in the centre of the abdomen and is known to be the Chakra of emotions).  Evidently this can also manifest into physical symptoms causing a weakening of the area, stomach ulcers, IBS and more actual illnesses (Yes your doctor can treat these ailments, but please don’t tell them you’re an Empath so you must have this, this and this wrong with you... For sure he will lock you up and throw away the key.. Ya loony! ;) lol!).  Speaking of health it’s said that Empaths are usually chubbier people as it’s believed that excess weight acts as a barrier to people’s negative emotions it can make it difficult to lose weight even if we’re not overeaters!! 

Empaths have that higher intuition of just knowing stuff without being told but it’s more than that and this can be attuned and worked with.  We even have the ability to be a human lie detector oh yes we know all about dishonesty more so than just that intuition or common sense.  We strive for truth, honesty and justice.  We also have a sever intolerance to narcissism yet we typically attract narcissistic people it’s like we’re a magnet and they’re just drawn to us.  Often we find ourselves in relationships with these people which is unhealthy we feel we want to help them and fix them though often they’re too broken and damaged even though they can’t help it.

It is often said that watching violence, cruelty or tragedy even on TV is unbearable due to the emotions attached to it.  Thankfully this is one of the many Empath traits I’m not afflicted by when it comes to fantasy / TV I’m able to separate the acting and pretence away from realism.  That said I am deeply affected by real violence, cruelty or tragedy etc and even the concept of.  This trait of being an Empath also makes us very aware and weary of others and therefore we tend to mother and protect others more especially those who may be suffering with emotional pains.  Empaths are said to be natural healers and very drawn to holistic therapies and all things metaphysical.  This can often make us a sounding board, shoulder to cry on and that punching bag for people to offload their problems onto you (even strangers).  Unfortunately this again plays on that aspect of adopting other people’s emotions, ailments and such.  Thankfully on the bright side this can make us have more addictive personalities and make us well liked people. 

Empaths are also very open to having their energies sucked from them by Psychic Vampires (99% of which don’t even realise they’re doing it!)  Because of all this heightened energy and emotions it’s often said that Empaths are usually plagued with fatigue, and most have illnesses like (FM) Fibromyalgia (I do) or (ME) Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.  Some of us can even become Psychic Vampires (also known as Energy Vampires) desperately in need to suck energy from others.  Plus oddly Empaths are usually more night creatures anyway!

It’s not all bad I promise, Empaths are said to be very creative types and are often at the forefront of anything creative such as arts and crafts, performing arts like singing, dancing, acting or even written arts such as journalist, bloggers and other writers too.  We’re said to have strong and vivid imaginations.  Plus a lot of this is a positive outlet for those emotions not to mention the healing it can give.  We’re also great daydreamers though sadly we can get bored easily without these creative outlets so mundane tasks, school and work if they’re not beaming with creativity it will take its toll and most of us find it impossible to do things we don’t enjoy.  We also crave knowledge we hate not knowing and so a lot of us love to research, learn and even teach.

Usually Empaths have a slight sense of Clairtangency (touching) and while they can’t associate a second hand object with its former life in the same sense as Clairtangency they tend to avoid second hand items (even cars and houses if they can financially afford to do so!) due to the emotional baggage and energies they carry.  - Though for me (and blog prompt 2) I learnt and use the other 3 C’s of Cleanse, Consecrate and well Charge..  Maybe not so much the ‘charge’ aspect but definitely the cleanse and consecrate as I’m actually a second hand, antique, charity shop / thrift store JUNKIE!!

Empaths are usually Vegetarian or Vegan and/or will only eat free-range as they sense energies in food especially of animals.  – I’m not one of these types.  Sorry.

When I first started looking into Empaths and Clairempathy I was very shocked that about 95% of the Empath traits were things I had and couldn’t explain, my characteristics, my hobbies and interests, my personality, my beliefs and the more I learnt and started adapting myself and learning how to control this the more it works in my favour (usually).  Therefore I suggest to anyone who has or thinks they have one or more of the Clair gifts to harness, embrace, learn and develop.  Don’t fear.  Don’t ignore.  And don’t try to force things you haven’t got.. In my opinion it’s just not going to happen for you.

I’m hoping that this blog gave you a little insight into the psychic world.  Soon I’ll be covering more on Divination and you definitely don’t need to be Psychic or have any of the Clair abilities but it would definitely help!!!!!!

 Side note.  – Note they’re not a common gift and it’s not all that common for people to have multiple Clairs but it’s not unheard of.  Not having any of these gifts doesn't make you any less of a Witch / Pagan etc.  But it does make you a fraudster and a charleton if you claim you have something you don't / can do something you can't.


  • Just like Clairempathy each of the Clairs have a lot more attributes, traits and characteristics research them.
  • (Optional) in your own words on scrap paper, or in the Fb Group, write your thoughts and opinions, associations and your experiences with one or multiple of the Clairs. 
  • (Optional) research some ‘famous’ psychic mediums who (claim to) have one or more of the Clair trates.
  • (Optional) research Psychic/Energy Vampires.

Book Activity..

  • (Optional) Copy down any information from above you think you will find useful.  Ie The Clairs and a basic summary of each.  I know that Clairempathy (because I have it) is Emotional based and that Clairvoyance is seeing and that Clairaudience is hearing and the rest I struggle remember which one is which let alone spell them!!  So like me write them in your book?

Interact with me Activity..

  • Feel free to add any information you deem worthy, other forms of psychics.  How these affect your life and who you are, your thoughts (if you think it's a load of BS that's fine but please be respectful to other peoples!) Fb Page feel free to add any information you deem worthy..  


    Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.12 -  Runes, Symbols, Sigils & Cyphers +Alphabet

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