Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Haul: Birthday / Yule / Christmas Gifts 2016

Christmas (and birthday) presents - Amazing Himalayan rock salt lamp Mum & Stepdad got me for Christmas, Amazing altered mirror, custom made t-shirt, rune cards, tarot cards, decorative tape and dragons blood Incense from my friend Jackie for my birthday and Christmas, 12yo sister got me this skull and crossbones cushion and 25yo brother got me the oh so expensive Madame Endora's Fortune Cards (which I'm using as weekly Oracle cards constantly on display) & Tarot Book. I love everything so so much. Mum & Stepdad also got me this craft workbench which my brother spent most of birthday building for me :3 - spoilt.

Yule Tide, Christmas & Other Seasonal Holiday Blessings!! 

Birthday - 20th December (1988)
Amazon Wish List -

Love & Light, Imogen  

Monday, 19 December 2016

Personal: Postponed!!

Yule tidings & seasons greetings!!

Forgive me I fell off the face of the planet?  I had such great hope and ambitions perhaps too much.  I literally didn't get much further than putting the witches datebook into a Filofax A5 (don't do it!) then having no room for anything else..  Amazing how much a bit of washi tape can bulk up pages!! Then home life, family life, medical life and a whole list of excuses has taken over.  I'll be back to do what I can when I can but sad I need to work on my priorities and life goals. Hmm..  
